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他们同甘苦共患难。They lived in weal and woe.

我们必须同甘共苦。We must share weal and woe.

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无论在顺境逆境,他一直对我忠诚。He was faithful to me in weal and woe.

在这个国家,我们荣辱与共。In this country, we share weal and woe.

这对大众福利有何伤害?And what is the harm to the common weal?

什么是对公共福利的损害呢?And what is the harm to the common weal?

报刊是公共福利的卫护者。The press is a guardian of the public weal.

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牧师和教士被认为是信仰的护卫者。The press is a guardian of the public weal.

乔治和玛丽是一对患难夫妻。Joe and Mary are a couple who share weal and woe.

我一点都不在乎他人拥有的幸福。I don't care about the weal what they have ideedly.

你我情同手足,有福同享,有难同当。You and I should share weal and woe just like brothers.

他们是和人民群众同甘共苦的普通劳动者。They are ordinary labourers, sharing weal and woe with the people.

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每一个富强,可最后几分钟或几个小时,并可能会改变形状。Each weal may last a few minutes or several hours, and may change shape.

事实证明,中巴是患难与共的真正朋友。Facts have proven that Pakistan and China are true friends sharing weal and woe.

幸福在生活中无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。In our world, weal ubiquity, if you have a gnosis heart, you can experience weal.

幸福在生活中无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。In our world, weal ubiquity, if you have a gnosis heart, you can experience happiness.

泰中两国情同手足,是患难之交和真诚的朋友。Thailand and China enjoy brotherly relations and are sincere friends sharing weal and woe.

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人们大都有一个很大的朋友圈,但患难与共的真心朋友又有几个?“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识?”It has a great big circle of friends, but there are a few friends sharing weal and woe's true?

“以人为本、诚信永恒”是本公司员工与客户携手共创维益换热器辉煌的庄重承诺。"Connecting people, honesty lasts forever" is the solemn commitment of Weal Yield every employee.

杨洁篪表示,中斯是相互信赖的朋友,也是患难与共的伙伴。Yang said China and Sri Lanka are friends of mutual trust as well as partners sharing weal and woe.