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博伊斯的日出。Boise Sunrise.

博伊斯在一边台阶上蹲着望着,满脸鄙夷不屑的神气。Boise was sitting on the steps, watching them with contempt.

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如果你需要一个强大而有活力夜生活,博伊西可能一个更好的选择。If you need a strong and vibrant nightlife, Boise may be a better choice.

位于爱达荷州西南部,是博伊西市的小城市的感觉。Located in southwestern Idaho, Boise is the city with the small town feel.

家里博伊西州立大学,博伊西,是一个现代城市的一个小镇上的感觉。Home to Boise State University, Boise is a modern city with a small town feel.

现在正因为我的兄弟和我,单单在博伊西已经有更多德罗巴和阿卢纳。Boise alone now has more Drogba and Dindane fans just because of my brother and me.

他毕业于博伊西州立大学,获得了企业管理营销专业的工商管理学学士学位。He received his B. B. A. in business administration and marketing from Boise State University.

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阿什福德监督大约100名维修人员在三个公司的设施,包括在博伊西。Ashford oversees about 100 maintenance personnel at three company facilities, including in Boise.

他们在星期二在博伊西聚集在发现中心通过视频连接问宇航员问题。They gathered at the Discovery Center in Boise on Tuesday to ask the astronauts questions by video link.

在犹他州西南部和科罗拉多山脉西侧的爱达荷州内的博伊西市郊出现了类似惊人的增长。Similarly explosive growth occurred on the outskirts of Boise in Idaho, along Colorado’s front range and in southwest Utah.

卡尔,今年夏天成为职业球员,是丹佛掘金队教练乔治卡尔的儿子。Karl, signed as a free agent out of Boise State during the offseason, is the son of George Karl, coach of the Denver Nuggets.

博伊西强迫半光泽标签擅长于这两个目标,通过特殊的光泽度,高亮度,和出色的打印质量。Boise Compel Semi Gloss Label excels in both objectives through exceptional gloss, high brightness, and excellent print quality.

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美国爱达荷州西南部的一座城市,位于博伊西西部的博伊西河边。位于俄勒冈营地的地址上。人口8,400。A city of southwest Idaho on the Boise River west of Boise. It was built on the site of an Oregon Trail camping ground. Population, 8,400.

美国爱达荷州西南部的一座城市,位于博伊西西部的博伊西河边。位于俄勒冈营地的地址上。人口18,400。A city of southwest Idaho on the Boise River west of Boise. It was built on the site of an Oregon Trail camping ground. Population, 18,400.

在季度报告公布的博伊西公司在8月中旬,公司负责人指责木材纤维成本为当地工厂的低利润率。In the quarterly report, released by Boise Inc. in mid-August, company heads blame wood fiber costs for the local mill's low profit margins.

先加入公司的先安排,所以没有哪个销售代表会被派到博伊西这样的小城市,根本就不可能去这样的小城市——所有的人都在大城市。It was kind of first come first serve, so no sales rep was going to be put on Boise, there was no Boise — they were all on important cities.

博伊西的法庭也于星期四分别向休斯顿的联邦法院送达由BP石油泄露引起的证券诉讼文书。Separately, the Boise panel also on Tuesday sent the body of securities litigation arising out of the BP spill to a federal court in Houston.

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印象最深额球员是通过两天的训练营的,已经十分有可能夺冠了,卡尔—选秀自由球员后卫出自博伊西洲。The player with the most impressive touch through two days of training camp is quite possibly coby karl an undrafted free-agent guard boise state.

博伊西的承诺的能力和能力迫使半光泽标签是关键,以解决减少供应北美市场。Boise 's commitment of capability and capacity for Compel Semi Gloss Label is critical to address the declining supply in the North American market.

博伊西州立大学野马队战胜了俄克拉荷马州,在近来的美式足球赛季中,本场比赛加时赛中的迷糊对方的打法堪称相当激烈。最终成绩为43比32。The Boise State Broncos surprised Oklahoma, winning one of the most exciting bowl games in recent memory on a trick play in overtime. 43-32 was the final score.