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“他们公然无视保护劳工权利的最基本法规”。They flout the most basic laws protecting the rights of workers.

其它的补习学校则遵循国家法令,继续在国家控制下苟延残喘地运行着——有时甚或需要伪装。Other hagwons flout the law, continuing to operate past the curfew — sometimes in disguise.

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问题在于这些条例并不对这些藐视它们的企业和个人明确惩罚。The problem is the regulations do not specify punishments for businesses or individuals who flout them.

年轻人借着夸耀自己的衣着和怪异的发型,无视长辈们的权威。By flaunting their clothes and outrageous hair-styles, young people flout the authority of their elders.

茹弗耐勒又认为革命只能摧毁权力,而不能构建新的权力。De Jouvenel also says the function of revolutionaries is only to flout power and not to build or create.

我们必须提前做好准备来应对他可能做出的任何对国际社会的意愿所表现出的轻蔑行为。We have to anticipate and be prepared for things he might try to do to flout the will of the international community.

“讲起话来如此无礼!”马特回答,“明知道是我,你不该无视我们的交情。”"That was spoken with a rather flip attitude, " Matt replied. "You know it's me. You shouldn't flout our friendship. "

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可是有很多同学还是明知故犯,原因有很多,但我想,当中有很多人信奉“读书无用论”。But there are many still flout the law students for many reasons, but I think there are a lot of people believe in "useless study."

北京已安装大约1万台摄像机以及其它监控设备,以抓获违反单双号限行规定的驾驶员。About 10,000 cameras and other monitoring devices have been installed to catch drivers who flout the odd-even number-plate restrictions.

截止目前,政府网管与发表评论一闪而过的匿名网络用户间依然玩着猫捉老鼠的游戏。Until now, government censors have played a cat-and-mouse game with anonymous Internet users who posted comments that flout approved positions.

德国总理安格拉·默克尔甚至提议建立一种机制,若某些国家一再无视财政法规,就将其赶出欧元区。Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, has even suggested a mechanism to throw out countries from the euro area if they repeatedly flout fiscal rules.

对中国的知识分子们来说,这首歌中的信息显然具有颠覆性,公民们即便看上去规规矩矩,但他们也会以此戏弄当局,这是一个教训。To Chinese intellectuals, the songs’ message is clearly subversive, a lesson that citizens can flout authority even as they appear to follow the rules.

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当第一次一群沙特女同志占据王国之路来嘲笑禁止女性司机这一法令时,她们通过传真和录音机来将她们的抗议公之于众。WHEN a group of Saudi women first took to the kingdom's roads to flout its ban on female drivers, they publicised their protest by fax and videocassette.

尽管他藐视所有权之类的国际法规,索马利海盗与巴斯克的出版商都宣称自己的行为是关乎国家利益。Although they flout international laws of ownership, the Somali pirate and the Basque publisher both claim their action is somehow in the national interest.

对待那些携带顽固病菌却又不肯就医的患者,有人认为南非政府应当采取强制手段,就算严重地侵犯了个人自由也顾不得了。Some think South Africa should consider forcibly confining unco-operative patients carrying the nastiest germs, however much that would flout individual liberty.

你看到的作品有些令人震惊,有些令人捧腹,但这些关于食物的作品都根本不强调物体的三维性,而这正是其它摄影师试图在自己作品中突出的。What you see are sometimes alarming, sometimes humorous pictures of food that flout photographers’ usual attempts at suggesting the three-dimensionality of their subjects.

格赖斯的“合作原则”包含了四个准则,而马克·吐温作品中所体现的幽默却是对“合作原则”的有意或无意违反的结果,有着独特的含义和效果。The humor in Mark Twains writings is the result of deliberate flout and accidental flout at Grices cooperative principles, and also has its particular implication and result.

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但也有人说他们的采访活动仍然经常受到来自政府官员、警察和自称对新的规定一无所知或完全漠视的便衣暴徒的阻挠。But some said their reporting efforts remain routinely hobbled by government officials, police and plainclothes thugs who claim ignorance of the new regulations or willfully flout them.

现在,已不再是面对这一个强大帝国的威胁,我们面临这各种各样的挑战,从松散的恐怖主义到无视国际秩序或者是面临崩溃的国家。Instead of a hostile expansionist empire, we now face adiverse array of challenges, from a loose network of violent extremists tostates that flout international norms or face internal collapse.

法女性伴侣成功结婚无视同性婚姻禁令两位女性六月四日成功规避法国同性婚姻禁令说出「我愿意」,因为快乐的新人中,有一位在法律上仍是一名男性。Female couple flout French same-sex marriage ban Two women succeeded in dodging France's same-sex marriage ban to say "I do" on June 4 — because one of the happy couple is still, legally, a man.