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这就是成功之道。This is the way leda to success.

想象丽达一诗中,强奸。Again, think of the rape of Leda.

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是宙斯和勒达的女儿,梅内莱厄斯的妻子。The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus.

塔马兹是学校的生物老师也是园区负责人。Leda Tomaz is the school's biology teacher and chief gardener.

传说勒达怀孕后生了一对双胞胎。The legend is that when Leda was fecundated she gave birth to twins.

记住叶芝在丽达与天鹅里,把历史表述成强奸“Remember how Yeats represents history as rape in "Leda and the Swan."

具体图案是宙斯和勒达的孪生子,代表体育比赛和友谊的赞助者。The specific pattern is Zeus and Leda the twins, on behalf of sports and friendship sponsor.

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是宙斯和勒达的女儿,梅内莱厄斯的妻子。因其被帕里斯拐走而引发特洛伊战争。The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.

丽达感受到天鹅的心跳,而那心跳对她来说很陌生,陌生,是个简单给力的词。Leda feels the beating of the swan's heart, and that heart is "strange" to her, that simple, powerful word.

马克维其从某种程度上说,是个像丽达的人物,她所遭受的痛苦的暴力,书写了历史。Well, Con Markievicz is, in a sense, a figure like Leda. She is someone who has suffered the traumatic violence that engenders history.

马克维其从某种程度上说,是个像丽达的人物,她所遭受的痛苦的暴力,书写了历史。Well, Con Markievicz is, in a sense, a figure like Leda. She is someone who has suffered the traumatic violence that engenders history.

无论是在芦苇中半跪还是在天鹅恋人旁斜倚,莉达的身体轮廓和姿态散发着肉体性感的气息。Whether crouching among the bulrushes or standing to embrace her swan lover, Leda has a body contoured and posed in a fleshy, sexy way.

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这幅作品的命名来自于达利的另一幅作品原子的勒达,也就是照片中右边两只猫后面的那幅画作。The title of the photograph is a reference to Dalí's work Leda Atomica which can be seen in the right of the photograph behind the two cats.

公司生产乐达牌的氨基酸、腐植酸营养液及绿色植物杀菌剂五大系列产品三十多种,销往全国各地。Over 30 varieties of five series produced by the company, including Leda amino acid, humic acid nutrient liquid and green bactericide for plants.

宙斯和里达的女儿、曼尼拉斯妻子,被认为是世界上最美丽的女子。她被帕里司诱拐绑架导致特洛伊战争的发生。The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus, considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.

在双层片晶界面上的H键降低了表面自由能,这是形成双层片晶的主要原因。H bonds on facing folded chain crystal surfaces leda to a decrease of surface free energy and this fact is a main reason for the formation of double lamellae.

当然,这一切都是下意识,与夏威夷大学的李伯曼合作的加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的杜比与柯斯麦说。This is all subconscious, of course, reported John Tooby and Leda Cosmides of the University of California Santa Barbara, who worked with Debra Lieberman of the University of Hawaii.

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这诗里似乎说的是身体的知识,表现的必要性,我们要谈论的,叶芝的晚期诗讲的就是身体。Leda and the Swan" seems to say a knowledge of the body, of the necessity of embodiment. In the late Yeats, in the poems that I'll be discussing today, there's no knowledge apart from the body.