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他说,女性尤希望自己双腿修长、胸部丰满、身材苗条。They particularly wanted to look leggy , busty and skinny, he said.

放在厨房的植物细细的,一副病怏怏的模样,几乎没有长大。The kitchen plant was leggy and sick-looking, and it hadn't grown at all.

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厨房里的那株常春藤瘦瘦的,痛快快的,一点也没生长。The kitchen plant was leggy and sick-looking, and it hadn't grown at all.

徒长苗又有明显的症状隐蔽现象。The leggy rice seedlings showed also an obvious phenomenon of symptom hiding.

鱼乾指加工盐腌与乾燥的小鳕鱼,用于家庭的消费。Leggy Refers to processed salted and dried small cod, used for home consumption.

乌兰巴托的一场流行音乐会会场外,一群美腿模特和一位少年杂技演员正在等待入场。Leggy models and a child acrobat wait offstage at a pop music concert in Ulaanbaatar.

他去澳大利亚旅游的时候,美腿模特们为了照片曝光率甚至不惜跳进海浪中去亲他一下。When he toured Australia, leggy models leapt out of the surf to kiss him for a photo op. He was brave.

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在上世纪50年代,一个长腿金发美女只有在洛杉矶的奇森餐厅等候就餐时才能被发现。In the 1950s, a leggy blonde would get discovered while waiting tables at Chasen's restaurant in Los Angeles.

一株常青植物在北极圈的北方针叶林中独树一帜,隐现在被北极光染成翠绿色的天空下。A leggy evergreen looms over a stretch of Arctic boreal forest as light from the aurora borealis paints the night sky emerald green.

骨量中等,与整体比例匀称,整体非常协调,身躯既不瘦长或细长腿,也不笨重。Bone structure is medium in proportion to height, so that he is well-balanced throughout and neither spindly or leggy nor cumbersome and bulky.

部分症状隐蔽病苗又会重新转化为徒长苗,其转化高峰发生于水稻拔节初期、破口初期。A part of hidden symptom seedlings might retransform into leggy seedlings, the transformation peaks occurred at early jointing stage and early earing stage.

而亨利的转会更是令人叫绝,因为他在1998年的世界杯上成名时,他看起来除了一双长腿和速度意外一无长处。And Henry was a remarkable coup, because when he came to prominence for France in the 1998 World Cup, he looked like a leggy lad with pace and nothing else.

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骨骼结构为中等骨量,与肩高比例恰当,使整体结构的比例匀称,既不细长或腿太细长,也不身躯庞大、粗笨。Bone structure is moderately heavy in proportion to height so that the dog is well balanced throughout and neither spindly or leggy nor cumbersome and bulky.

很多身着绿色短裤的金发或黑发长腿美女紧追其后,其中有些选手由于在比赛过程中跌倒几次,被弄得伤痕累累。She was closely followed by dozens of leggy blondes and brunettes in green shorts, some of whom came off second best with scratches and scrapes from a few spills.

元首是个狂热的影迷,他一晚上有修仙两三部电影,特别喜欢音乐剧。Hitler was a great movie fan, often watching two or three per night. He was especially fond of musicals, "with lots of leggy show girls", according to Albert Speer.