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这些力量就是”接触“和”互相依赖“These include "contact" and "interdependence."

这是我最喜欢的一句格言,揭示了我们是互相依存的。It's my favorite epithet, an ode to interdependence.

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相反,东亚文化强调相互依存。In contrast, East Asian cultures stress interdependence.

我们是否能够区别相互依存和相互依赖?Can we differentiate between interdependence and co-dependence?

世界经济相互依赖的程度已经到了一个新的层级。The world’s economies have reached a new level of interdependence.

社会交互性的心流体验通过社会相互依赖而得到加强。Interactive social flow is enhanced through social interdependence.

只不过二者从正面的互赖,转变成负面的互赖。It just shifted from positive interdependence to negative interdependence.

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然而,在911的馀波中,我也看见了正面的全球互赖。In the aftermath of the 9-11, I saw the forces of positive interdependence.

全球化使国与国之间、人与人之间高度相互依存,一损俱损、一荣俱荣。Globalization has led to highly interdependence among countries and peoples.

不过,我至少一定程度上意识到了这种相互依赖性。However, I have at least a certain degree of awareness of this interdependence.

明天的世界将是一个起伏跌宕董事会依存和竞争的关系。The world of tomorrow will be a chequered board of interdependence and rivalry.

全球经济相互依存关系也加大了对经济造成破坏的可能性。Global economic interdependence amplified the potential for economic disruption.

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只有首先做到真正的独立,方可能实现有效的互赖。Effective Interdependence can only be built on a foundation of true independence.

相互依存带来的邻居一起回来并重新编织社会网络。Mutual interdependence brings neighbors back together and re-weaves the societal web.

与金融危机一样,它也是在相互依存关系大大加强的环境下出现的。Like the financial crisis, it emerged at a time of radically increased interdependence.

全球化进程的加快,使得国家间的相互依赖程度加深。The quickening globalization makes the interdependence on deferent nations and more deep.

因此,日趋紧密的全球相互依存之网既预示着风险,也预示着机遇。Thus the tightening web of global interdependence foretells danger as well as opportunity.

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无论这种想法是对是错,全球各国经济相互依赖却是不争的事实。Whatever the merits of those concerns, the interdependence of the global economy is a fact.

国家和地区之一的相互依存意味着将要出现新的对话机制。The interdependence of countries and regions means that new formats of dialogue will appear.

全球化进程的加快,使得国家间的相互依赖程度加深。The quickening globalization makes the interdependence on deferent nations more and more deep.