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无意向窗外望去看到一轮弯月。I see luna from my window.

我想你认识我们家卢娜吧?。But I think you know my Luna?

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露娜公园传来得噪声真是糟糕透了。Noise from Luna Park was awful.

在卢娜和秋身上会发生什么?What will happen with Luna and Cho?

中国的陶璐娜肯定夺冠,我敢打赌。Luna from China is sure to win, I bet.

中国的陶璐娜肯定夺冠,我敢打赌。Tao Luna from China is sure to win, I bet.

这些卵是淡绿色月形天蚕蛾的。These eggs belong to the pale green luna moth.

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法文中表『情绪』的luné一字,同样也源自luna。One French word for mood, luné, also comes from luna.

“哦,是的,必须回答一个问题。”卢娜说。"Oh no, you've got to answer a question, " said Luna.

卢娜那双向外突出的眼睛惊讶地转向了他。Luna turned her protuberant eyes upon him in surprise.

露娜使用这种力量斩开她的敌人。Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through her enemies.

洛夫古德在很多方面是一个很不寻常的女孩。Luna Lovegood is a most unusual young woman in many ways.

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陶路娜战胜了所有其他对手,夺得了金牌。Luna out shoot all the other rivals and won the gold medal.

陶路娜战胜了所有其他对手,夺得了金牌。Tao Luna out shoot all the other rivals and won the gold medal.

显然,卢娜同样注意到并作出了反应。Apparently, Luna had noticed it too and had reacted accordingly.

他是诺特或当面被卢娜击碎冥王星的食死徒。This is either Nott or the Death Eater Luna Reducto-ed Pluto at.

但是在1931年,月亮公园被毁,并且再也没有恢复往日的光辉。Luna Park was destroyed in 1931, and never really regained any prominence.

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露娜.月牙是月神艾鲁恩坚定而又虔诚的信徒。Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune.

陶璐娜以世界最准确的神枪手之一而成名。Tao Luna has become famous as one of the worlds most precise sharpshooters.

德国南部十几岁的女孩瑞加娜·迈尔有一头能当马骑的牛——名叫“卢娜”。Teenager Regina Mayer, from southern Germany, is able to ride her cow, Luna.