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在广东东部是一套陆相沉积—火山岩复理石建造。There is a continental sedimentary-volcanic flysch formation in eastern Guangdong.

矿石类型为褐铁矿化破碎硅化砂岩、石英细脉和层状复理石韵律矿石。Ore types are limonite fractured silicic sandstone, quartz veinlet and bedded flysch rhythm ore.

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南区岩性为复理石建造,生物以深海相笔石为主。In the south area, there are mainly flysch and deep sea facies fossil, such as Graptolites in fossil feature.

大别山北部的变质复理石推覆体属华北大陆板块南部的盖层推覆体,主要包括佛子岭群和卢镇关群。The meta flysch nappe in the north part of the Dabie Mountains is composed of the Foziling Group and Luzhenguan Group.

其上部为一套变质的复理石建造,下部为变质的火山-沉积岩建造。The upper part of it is a suit of metamorphic flysch formation, and the lower part, metamorphic volcanic-sedimentary rocks.

三叠系西康群碎屑岩主体为一套浊积岩复理石建造。The clastic rocks widespread in the Triassic Xikang Group in western Sichuan consist dominantly of turbiditic flysch formations.

这些构造为复理石盆地的动态演化研究提供了新的证据。Thus, the syn-sedimentary compression structures can provide new evidences and constraints on the dynamic evolution of flysch basins.

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金矿化分布于奥陶系下统复理石碎屑岩和志留系中-上统白云岩之间的北西走向断裂破碎带中。Gold mineralization occurs within NW-striking fault-fractures between Lower Ordovician flysch sediment and Middle-Upper Silurian dolomite.

库地蛇绿岩套由下部超镁铁质岩、辉长岩、幔源型花岗岩和上部基性火山岩、复理石等成分构成,形成于震旦纪—寒武纪。Kudi ophiolite suite is composed of ultramafic rocks, gabbro, mantle source granitoid, basic volcanic rocks and flysch. It was formed during Sinian and Cambrian.

基地的地质构造受布直布罗陀地区岩层的影响,通过海浪的拍打而增强了峭壁和海边石块的硬度。The geological feature configuration is the denominated Flysch of the Field of Gibraltar, which with the waves enhances the cliffs and large bars leading into the sea.

礼岷前陆盆地经历了早期深海—半深海的复理石沉积阶段和晚期陆相磨拉石沉积阶段。The Lixian-Minxian foreland basin undertook abyssal-bathyal flysch deposition at its earlier evolution stage and continental molasse stage at its later evolution stage.

重建的地层层序和沉积地质特征显示巴颜喀拉盆地主体三叠系复理石沉积是周缘前陆盆地。The stratigraphic sequences and sedimentological characteristics indicate that the main body of Bayan Har Basin is composed of Triassic flysch sediments deposited in a foreland basin during Triassic.