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毛仍然还活着!Mao is still alive!

法犸说道。The method Mao says.

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我叫这个男孩大毛。I call the boy Da Mao.

寅卯属木,位东方。Mao Yin is wood, bit east.

甚至毛也持有类似的观点。Even Mao held similar view.

我们都称那男孩大毛。We all call the boy Da Mao.

鹅毛扇这么一扇,一个妙计涌上心头。E Mao as a fan, a Miaoji mind.

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艾沫沫救出了毛毛。Moxa foam foam rescued Mao Mao.

毛旭辉那时候还去过我们学校。Mao went to our university then.

也许老毛意识到了什么。Perhaps Mao was on to something.

有一个名叫毛遂的人,自告奋勇愿意同去。A man called Mao Sui volunteered.

有许多公园在茂名。There are many parks in Mao Ming.

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有许多公路在茂名。There are many roads in Mao Ming.

有许多河流在茂名。There are many rivers in Mao Ming.

范表示说,茅于轼有点过分了。Fan says Mao Yushi has gone too far.

毛说,应该感谢日本人。Mao said that he should thank the Japanese.

1971年的五一节是毛最后一次在公众中出现。Mao last appeared in public on May Day 1971.

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三毛的作品让她迷到发狂的程度。She goes bananas about the works by San Mao.

后来,毛宝成了一名威猛的将军。Later, Mao Bao became a very powerful general.

该网站对茅先生发起了控告,控告其犯有颠覆罪和诽谤罪。Utopia accuses Mr Mao of subversion and libel.