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他和我撞了个满怀。He ran full tilt into me.

胯部稍向前顷斜并维持住。Tilt your hips forward and hold.

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武士们以前在马背上以矛刺击。Knights used to tilt on horseback.

释放靠背并向前倾斜。Release backrest and tilt forwards.

超小型团体,“倾斜缝”Ultra-compact Body with a "Tilt Slit""

他的车以全速撞到了树上。His car ran full tilt against the tree.

将泵向下倾斜,从引擎移出。Tilt pump downward and remove from engine.

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把船倾斜地放在水里。它会下沉吗?Tilt the boat into the water. Will it sink?

她歪戴着帽子遮住左眼。She wore her hat at a tilt over her left eye.

可调倾斜以获得最佳观赏位置。Adjustable tilt positions for optimum viewing.

好吧,不管是否歪头,写作和阅读都是我的爱好。Well, tilt or not I love to write and read too.

必须抓着车上的扶手才不至于倾斜和跌倒。Must hold the car armrest was not tilt and fall.

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四向的系统不能做倾斜的调整。Four-way systems do not provide tilt adjustments.

全身伏在马背时,他谁也不答理。He would speak to nobody when he was in full tilt.

小心地倾斜玻璃杯。水会掉下来?为什么?Tilt glass carefully. Does the water flow out?Why?

倾斜传感器是一种测量倾斜角度的仪器。Tiltmeter is a kind of sensor for tilt measurement.

你只需要倾斜手机就能控制挥棒的角度。To control the swing, you just need tilt the device.

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腰肌和耻骨肌使骨盆轻微前倾。The psoas and pectineus tilt the hip slightly forward.

有固定式、可倾式、搅拌式等样式。There are fixed, tilt type, mixing such as type style.

它也许可以帮我们总结过去,又或者让我们冲向未来。It may pick up the past, or tilt us towards the future.