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那人发出痛苦的呻吟声。The man gave a groan of pain.

伤员发出呻吟声。The injured man let outa groan.

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不经意就叹息有种不完整的心情。Casual groan gutty and incomplete mood.

人民在重税下痛苦呻吟。The people groan under the burden of taxes.

他哼了一声,又埋头读他的书去了。With a groan he plunged back into his book.

你几乎可以听到玩家们共同的呻吟。You can almost hear gamers groan in unison.

她当场就倒下了,连一声呻吟都没有。She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan.

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嘴令人悲伤地变紫,一声呻吟。Grievously purpled, mouth skewered on a groan.

书中大部分笑话令人笑过之后掩卷叹息。Most make you giggle and groan in equal measure.

不要受了一点挫折就唉声叹气。Don't moan and groan because of a little setback.

低等的生灵在你残酷的行为下呻吟著。The inferior creatures groan under your cruelties.

你肯会开始不住的呻吟和啜泣。You will no doubt begin to moan, groan and whimper.

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镜子,它总不厌其烦的诉说着生活的辛酸,岁月的蹉跎。Mirror tells the groan and sweat under a weary life.

人类还要在装饰面前奴颜婢膝。Humanity is still to groan under the slavery of ornament.

何父住店多日,整日唉声叹气。What parent stay for several days, moan and groan all day.

每一声都是叹息,是啜泣,是悲哀至极的呻吟。Every note was a sigh, a sob, a groan of awful mournfulness.

听到楼梯格格作响,思嘉便轻轻站起身来。Scarlett heard the stairs groan and she got softly to her feet.

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艾舍斯特咬着袖子,抑制悔恨交迫的呻吟。Ashurst bit at his sleeve, to stifle a groan of remorseful longing.

牙疼很厉害的时候,我无可奈何,只能发出呻吟声。I have no alternative but to groan when I have a terrible toothache.

栵别哭泣,别叹息,别呻吟,悲伤唤不回流逝的时光。Weep no more , no sigh , nor groan. Sorrow calls no time that's gone.