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不过,情况并不像许多人想像的那么一片黯淡。Still, it isn't the total wipeout many expected.

最终大部分的生命将会灭绝。And the eventual wipeout of most of the life on earth.

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只要你在网上工作,你就有降低效率的风险。Anytime you work online, you risk productivity wipeout.

所以去斜坡上找我,给我一些建议,并且在我精疲力尽时给我一双援助的手。So look for me on the slopes, give me tips, and a hand when I wipeout.

以色列是美国不合法公民,以色列将从地图上消失。Jews are illegal childrens of US. israel are to wipeout from the world Map.

但是,和其它期货一样,如果波动不止的价格跳水,你就会承担损失惨重的风险。But as with all futures, you run the risk of a huge wipeout if ever-jumpy prices drop.

幸运地是,1972年,美国通过了一项禁止使用DDT的法律,该禁令挽救秃头鹰不至灭绝。Fortunately, in 1972, a law was passed to ban DDT, which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout.

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如果你能避开大洗盘的惊涛骇浪,就能把庞大的利润抱回家。And, if you can avoid the considerable hazard of the big wipeout , you will take home the big profits.

2008年,加州的破败经济的风险资本引入数额甚至高过美国其他州的总和。In 2008, California's wipeout economy attracted more venture capital than the rest of the nation combined.

只是要记得干掉您得对手可能拥有得在您想要修理得建站附近得每一个反步兵单位。Just remember to wipeout every Anti-Infantry unit your opponent might have near the building you want to repair.

当试着在ABC公司的手机网站上下载一段关于物种灭绝的视频时,他收到了提示他“稍后再试”的出错信息。While trying to load an episode of Wipeout on ABC's mobile site, he received an error message urging him to “try again later.

再往后就是刚刚过去的总决赛,在主场遭遇1-2不利的情况下,一举连拿三场,最终击败了命中注定的老对手迈阿密热队。And then there was this, a three-game wipeout of the dynasty-to-be Heat after Miami came to Dallas and took Game 3 for a 2-1 lead.

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一些PSP游戏小样,比如合金金属装备和索尼利物浦工作室研发的反重力赛车都在此次展览上发布。Several PSP game demos, such as Konami's Metal Gear Acid and SCE Studio Liverpool's Wipeout Pure were also shown at the conference.