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会阴收束被证实对分娩同样有帮助。Moola bandha has also proved to be useful in childbirth.

如果你成绩很好,家教可以帮你赚一笔不少的钱。If you're good at a subject, private tutoring can earn you some nice moola.

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会阴收束同样也刺激交感神经,但仅有一个较微弱的程度。Sympathetic nervous stimulation also occurs in moola bandha but at a subdued level.

比如,会阴收束和腹部收束都对稳定月经周期有非常显著的效果。For example, both moola bandha and uddiyana bandha are extremely useful in stabilizing menstrual periods.

实施会阴收束的原始动力刺激了中枢神经系统的大脑皮层。The initial impetus to perform moola bandha stimulates the cerebral cortex of the central nervous system.

由此,会阴收束使我们获得对内分泌系统控制能力的同时,向身体和大脑提供能量。Thus, moola bandha allows us to gain control over the endocrine system as well as energize the body and mind.

因为底轮是能量的宝库,而会阴收束是开启宝库的钥匙,因此控制就变得至关重要。As mooladhara chakra is the storehouse of prana, and moola bandha the key to release it, control is essential.

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在练习会阴收束时,我们可以看到神经系统间各种复杂的相互作用。With the practice of moola bandha we see an elaborate interplay of the different aspects of the nervous system.

会阴收束在能量方面的作用远比起在生理及心理方面显著。The effects of moola bandha on the pranic level are more pronounced than those on the physical and mental levels.

进行会阴收束时,骨盆腔的刺激激活了融合在盆腔脊髓中的副交感神经纤维。When moola bandha is performed, pelvic stimulation activates parasympathetic fibers merging from the pelvic spinal cord.

只有到思想完全集中时,呼吸才会停止,而会阴收束是使思想及能量完全集中的有力手段。Only when the mind is completely concentrated will the breath cease, and moola bandha is a powerful means to concentrate the mind and energy.

正因如此,会阴收束是治疗下腹部生理疾病的重要手段。比如,消化系统疾病及性功能障碍等。Moola bandha is therefore an important tool in the treatment of physical diseases of the lower abdomen e. g. digestive ailments and sexual disorders.

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同样需被了解的是,以谦卑的、尊敬的,以及强烈需求感的态度唱颂,会使得神圣临在更加地强大。It is also very important to know that invocation of the Moola Mantra with deep humility, respect and with great necessity makes The Divine Presence stronger.

我们不能低估会阴收束的重要性,完善的会阴收束可以自然而然地调整身体的心理,生理及精神状况。The importance of moola bandha should not be underrated, because its perfection may lead to a spontaneous rearrangement of the mental, physical and psychic bodies.