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当时就职典礼正在举行。The inaugurate parade was still going on.

该市举行了一次自行车队游行以示净化空气运动的开始。The city inaugurate the clean-air campaign with a bicycle parade.

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开始声乐讲习课程,地点在女教师的住所。To inaugurate a course of vocal instruction, place the residence of the instructress.

据法新社报道,朝鲜首所由外国投资的大学——平壤科技大学将于16日正式开放。The DPRK will inaugurate its first foreign-funded university Wednesday, the AFP reported.

这使得弗雷格在语言哲学上作出了重大的发展。This allowedFrege to inaugurate some profound developments in the philosophy of language.

每次聚在一起举行总统就职仪式时,我们总能见证到宪法经久不衰的力量。Each time we gather to inaugurate a President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution.

本公司将会热诚与广大客户携手合作,发展烘焙事业。Our company will trueblue go along with extensive customers by hand in hand to inaugurate baking enterprise!

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本公司将会热诚的与广大客户携手合作,发展烘焙事业。Our company will true-blue go along with extensive customers by hand in hand to inaugurate baking enterprise!

四年前当我们聚会为一位总统举行就职典礼时,整个共和国忧心如焚地与我们站在一起。When four years ago we met to inaugurate a President, the Republic, single-minded in anxiety, stood in spirit here.

更令人高兴的是,这个物超所值的套餐将在我们开通广州至迪拜航线的当天生效。We're also more than delighted to make this value-for-money package effective on the day we inaugurate our Guangzhou-Dubai service.

卡尔德隆总统说,这是一次历史性会晤,他坚信这次会晤将开启一个新的时代,以及两国间新的关系。He said it was a historic event and that he is certain it will inaugurate a new era and a new relationship between the two countries.

下周,他还会开启新一轮由埃及总统和约旦国王陪护的以色列和巴勒斯坦间的直接对话。Next week he will inaugurate a new bout of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians, chaperoned by Egypt's president and Jordan's king.

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去年鄂尔多斯开幕站的冠军得主江腾一在本赛季中不幸遇到两起意外,导致在天马山站和成都站两次市区到手的冠军。Jiang Tengyi, who won the inaugurate Ordos race last year, suffered two unfortunate incidences this season costing him two wins in TMS and Chengdu.

思想政治教育工作者要根据网络信息的特点,开辟对大学生进行思想政治教育工作的新途径。Such educators should inaugurate new approaches to carry out ideological and political education according to the characteristics of net information.

两年前,有人认为奥巴马就职后会实施新的“新政”,他们认同这样一种说法,那就是经济困难激励美国人奋进。People who, 24 months ago, thought Obama would inaugurate a new New Deal subscribed to the theory that economic difficulties propel Americans leftward.

利用UWB技术是对无线频谱资源的利用进行的新的探索,开辟时域电磁波应用的新领域。UWB technology is a new exploration of the use of radio spectrum resource and it inaugurate a new field of time domain application of electromagnetic wave.

祂会打败邪恶的势力,捆绑撒但,把牠丢入深坑,并建立实体的犹太王国,那是祂在地上时所提出的。He will defeat the forces of evil, bind Satan and cast him into a pit, and inaugurate the physical Jewish Kingdom that he had offered during his life on earth.

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本公所已经将就职典礼有关资料上网,包括相片、新旧主席讲词等,详情请按这。Please click here for more information, including the photos of the event, the farewell speech of President York Chan and the inaugurate speech of President Eric Ng.

欧盟外交政策负责人凯瑟琳。阿什顿抵达利比亚东部城市班加西为欧盟的新办公室开幕时,受到许多反叛力量官员和记者的簇拥。European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton was surrounded by a flock of rebel officials and reporters as she arrived in Benghazi to inaugurate the new EU office.

所以为了促进人民维护公共利益的积极性,传统诉讼费用的一些制度如费用金额、预交等在公益诉讼中应进行改革或取消。In order not to chill people's zeal, we must inaugurate a litigation costs reform to reduce or cancel some traditional fees and abandon the practice of payment in advance.