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那么,会有需要更多的原因想要吃点心吗?Need more reasons to nosh?

思念学校的小吃。Missing the scholastic nosh.

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那里有些饮料和小吃。There are some soft drinks and nosh.

聚会上有很多吃的东西。There was lots of nosh at the party.

看电视时,我妻子喜欢吃一些花生。My wife likes to nosh peanuts while watching TV.

她在我的食物上撒了点胡椒粉,看着我吃。She sprinkled pepper on my grub, watching me nosh.

饮料常喝咖啡、茶或牛奶,然后上的是甜点。They usually drink coffee tea or mike, then comes nosh.

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饮料常喝咖啡、茶或牛奶,然后上的是甜点。They usually drink coffee, tea or milk, then they have nosh.

不过他承认英国菜不再像30年前那么糟糕。British nosh is no longer as awful as it was 30 years ago, he concedes.

中国的小吃历史悠久,品种繁多,风味各异,令人赞叹。The nosh is imposing with its richly history, different kinds, various flavors.

他们每隔几个小时就会走到冰箱那里,高兴地吃一会儿东西。Every few hours they'd make a beeline for the fridge and joyfully nosh for all of five minutes.

比起脂肪和碳水化合物,蛋白质更能促进代谢。Nosh on protein at every meal and snack. Protein has a greater metabolic boost than fat or carbohydrates.

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但是如果你想要吃了尼斯是挤满了餐厅,从简单的小酒馆到豪华的小吃和米其林星星。However if you want to eat out Nice is packed with restaurants from simple bistros to posh nosh and Michelin stars.

这些黑头莺就此开始分裂成两个族群,到了冬季,一群飞往西班牙啃水果和橄榄,而另一群则飞到北边的英国不劳而获。And the blackcaps split into two distinct groups. One goes to Spain to nosh on fruits and olives, the other heads north to take advantage of the easy English pickin’s.

这款名为“海中宝”的咖喱海鲜餐的材料包括鱼子酱、海螺、一整只龙虾及食用纯金金箔。The curry, named Seafood Treasure, is a mix of caviar, sea snails, a whole lobster and even edible gold. The posh nosh is being served up at an upmarket London eatery.

她看起来像是个小大人,不过也有擅长玩游戏、喜欢点心、咖喱和油炸食品这样符合小学生形象的一面。She looks like a little adult man, but she also has one side that accords with the image of elementary student-she is good at playing games, loves nosh , curry and fry.