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刮除软骨膜,暴露软骨。The cartilage was exposed by scraping the perichondrium.

软骨膜是向软骨输送血液的。The perichondrium carries the blood supply to the cartilage.

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其他纤维通过连接处融入对侧软骨膜中。Other fibers pass through the articulation to join the contralateral perichondrium.

目的观察耳屏软骨膜行鼓膜成型术的效果。Objective Evaluation of the effect in myringoplasty using antilobium perichondrium graft.

软骨膜与腭嵴的骨膜之间只是部分延续。The perichondrium of the cartilage is only partially contiguous with the periosteum of the crests.

软骨由软骨组织及其周围的软骨膜构成,软骨组织由软骨细胞、基质及纤维构成。The cartilage consists of the perichondrium and tissue, which including chondrocyte, matrix and fibre.

结论手术治疗菜花耳,对新形成的纤维软骨层及受累的软骨膜必须彻底切除,才能获得良好疗效。Conclusion The newly formed fibrocartilage and the involved perichondrium must be totally removed to achieve the good results.

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目的探讨用耳屏软骨环-软骨膜行鼓膜成形术的远期疗效。Objective To investigate curative effect of the tragus cartilage ring with perichondrium for repairing tympanic membrane perforation.

结论采用分期断层皮片移植治疗耳廓大面积黑色素痣,方法简单,疗效可靠。Conclu sion Treatment of large-sized auricular nevus through staged split -thickness skin grafting over perichondrium is simple and reliable.

在深层网状组织平面的分离并不能保证沿鼻中部穹隆软骨膜表面走行的侧鼻静脉完整。Dissection in the deep areolar plane will not ensure preservation of the lateral nasal veins that pass over the perichondrium of the middle nasal vault.

目的评价自体肋软骨膜移植关节成形术在重建掌指关节功能中的作用。Objective To evaluate the outcome of arthroplasty with transplantation of autogenous rib perichondrium for reconstruction of the metacarpophalangeal joint.

结论本手术方法可减少取自体肋软骨时气胸的发生,胸廓畸形的产生和软骨的回植及软骨膜的保留相关。Conclusion The incidence of aeropleura can be reduced by the methods. It is related between thoracic deformity and perichondrium left and refilled of the costal cartilages.

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结果应用耳屏软骨膜及颞肌筋膜作为鼓膜移植材料,两者在提高鼓膜成活率和患者听力方面均效果良好。Results As the graft materials in tympanoplasty, tragus perichondrium and temporal muscular fasciae are effective to enhance the efficiency of drum membrane and audile of patients.

方法将一侧声带膜部、喉室及小部分室带前下份连同内软骨膜一起切除。Methods The unilateral vocal cord, laryngeal ventricle, partial anteroinferior portion of ventricular band and the homolateral inner perichondrium of the thyroid cartilage were excised.

21例患者均用带软骨膜的耳屏软骨重建上鼓室外侧壁,其软骨膜修复穿孔的鼓膜松弛部。In all these21patients the lateral wall of attic was reconstructed with the cartilage of tragus. the perichondrium of the cartilage was used to repair the perforation in the non-vibrans membrane.