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还有你的阿特拉斯?Still got your atlas?

该地图集还强调了其它方面的不平衡状况。The Atlas highlights other imbalances.

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擎天神是魔鬼的一个希腊假神类的神祗。Atlas is a false Greek god type of the devil.

他伸手将地图册从顶屋书架上取下。He reached down the atlas from the top shelf.

目前阿特拉斯被人评为ULA。Currently the Atlas is being human-rated by ULA.

猎户星,所有的昂宿星,还有阿特拉斯的七颗星Orion, all the Pleiades, and those seven Atlas got

中国地图出版社教材发展中心。China Atlas Press Teaching Materials Development C.

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古建亭子施工图集。Atlas of ancient architecture pavilion construction.

泰晤士报地图册并不属于泰晤士新闻报。The Times Atlas is not owned by The Times newspaper.

阿特拉斯答道,“我的头和手臂和肩膀都痛。Atlas answered, "My head and arms and shoulders all ache."

但阿特拉斯知道,只要他耸耸肩,世界就会坍塌。But Atlas knows that if he shrugs, the world drops to the floor.

甚至会有世界范围内的不屑一顾。Even a worldwide atlas shrugging will be interpreted several ways.

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陆军和空军建造红石导弹、木星和寰椎火箭。The Army and Air Force built the Redstone, Jupiter and Atlas rockets.

下面哪一个能最佳描述在原文中的艾特略山神?Which of the following can best describe Atlas according to the text?

目的研究大鼠各组织器官的蛋白质图谱。Objective To study protein atlas in different tissues and organs of rats.

阿特拉斯·科普柯会如何激励和发展本地人才资源?How do you motivate and develop the local talents to work for Atlas Copco?

分幅地图是电子地图集设计中的一个主要问题。Division design is one of the principal problems in electronic atlas design.

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孩子表示要出去见见世面,父母立马给孩子买回来了一大本地图册。When I expressed my desire to see the world to my mom, she bought me an atlas.

安兰德说,“地球颤栗”完全确定她的客观主义哲学。Ayn Rand said that "Atlas Shrugged" fully defined her philosophy of Objectivism.

乌桕大蚕蛾在热带以及东南亚的亚热带森林较为常见。Atlas moths are found in the tropical and subtropical forests of South-East Asia.