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然后,他开始寻找他的宠物悉达多。Then he went looking for Siddhartha.

那是悉达多以前洗澡的地方。It is where Siddhartha used to bathe.

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于是,悉达多又独自一人了。Once again Siddhartha was left alone.

但悉达多不介意这么做。But Siddhartha did not mind doing this.

悉达多成为一个完全觉悟的人――佛。Siddhartha became a fully awakened being – a Buddha.

悉达多王子在印度东部成为“佛陀”。And prince Siddhartha became the "Buddha" in eastern India.

悉达多就是后来成为了佛的人。Siddhartha is the man who later became known as the Buddha.

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悉达多坐在一棵蒲桃树下,观看着一切。Siddhartha sat down under a rose-apple tree and watched everyone.

佛祖本来是印度王子,叫乔达摩•悉达多。The Supreme Buddha was originally a prince in India named Siddhartha.

悉达多向葛文达描述他如何摆脱了私欲。Siddhartha described to Govinda how he had moved away from selfish thoughts.

悉达多认为以这种简单的生活方式生活,也许自己就能找到答案。Siddhartha thought he might find his own answers in such a simple lifestyle.

虽然悉达多已经超越了恐惧,但他仍没有觉悟。Even though Siddhartha had overcome fear, he had still not attained Enlightment.

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那是悉达多在一棵菩提树下静坐的地方。That is where Siddhartha sat in meditation under a tree called the “Bodhi tree”.

两千六百年前,一个叫悉达多的人住在这个村庄附近。Two thousands six hundred years ago, a man named Siddhartha lived near the village.

乔达摩-悉达多是来自印度的伟大精神领袖,他成立了佛教。Siddhartha Gautama was a great spiritual leader from ancient India who founded Buddhism.

从某种意义上说,悉达多王子也是一个自由思想者---他通过成为佛祖的方式来证明自己。In a sense, Prince Siddhartha too was a free-thinker –who made good by becoming the Buddha.

悉达多乔达摩是在公元前563年出生于在蓝毗尼的一个帝王家族,在现在的尼泊尔境内。Siddhartha Gotama was born into a royal family in Lumbini, now located in Nepal, in 563 BC.

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那是一个孩子拿来给悉达多当坐垫的草。It is the same kind of grass that one of the children gave Siddhartha to use as a cushion to sit on.

当释迦牟尼佛小的时候,和当今的小孩子一样,会为生和死的问题所困扰。As a child, Siddhartha the Buddha, was troubled by some of the same thoughts that children today have.

提婆天性残酷而且喜欢杀戮其它动物,然而太子悉达多则是温和善良。While Siddhartha was gentle and kind, Devadatta was by nature cruel and liked to kill other creatures.