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烘烤饼干。Bake cookies.

我喜欢曲奇。I love cookies.

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回去烤蛋糕?Back to bake cookies?

你喜欢这些小饼吗?Do you like the cookies?

烘烤曲奇的香味。Smell of cookies baking.

这种小甜饼多少钱?How much are the cookies?

但我想要点曲奇饼干。But I'd like some cookies.

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牛奶和曲奇饼干。There is milk and cookies.

我们是否再来点饼干?Should we get some cookies?

你喜欢幸运签语饼吗?Do you like fortune cookies?

我有甜面包薯条。I have cookies french fries.

盒子里装满了甜饼。The box bulged with cookies.

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这是一块曲奇饼干。我喜欢曲奇饼干。It's a cookie. I like cookies.

牛奶,酸奶和饼干。PBJ, milk, yogurt and cookies.

Cookie和网络信标的使用Use of cookies and web beacons

他特别想要那些饼干。He really wanted those cookies.

我做了君之的宫廷核桃酥。I made Junzhi's walnut cookies.

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他偷了两块饼干。He snitched a couple of cookies.

今天早上我做了些茶点。I made tea cookies this morning.

请自己取饼干吃吧。Please help yourself to cookies.