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把这丢到外面去。Throw that outside.

门口来了一位求婚者。A suitor is outside.

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外面下着雨呢。It's raining outside.

外面很冷。It feels cold outside.

外面有点冷。Little chilly outside.

我总是在外工作。I usually work outside.

他听到外头有脚步声。He heard a step outside.

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我只能看到身外的事物I see things outside me.

外面一定很冷吧。It must be cold outside.

外面在刮风。Wind is blowing outside.

我再也不逃家了。I wasn't outside anymore.

现在外面冷极了。It's freezing outside now.

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冬天在户外跑步?Running outside in winter?

我们站在商店外面。We stood outside the shop.

我现在来到房外。Now I am outside the house.

狮子的骄傲展露无遗。The lion pride was outside.

然后,他的爸爸来到外面。Then,his dad comes outside.

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外面暴风雨正在酝酿中。A storm was brewing outside.

你朝窗外看过吗?Have you looked outside yet?

白天到外面去玩。Play outside during the day.