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谭华正博士为著名工业家及慈善家。Dr Tam is a well-known industrialist and philanthropist.

近代着名的实业家张謇就是南通人。The famed modern-time industrialist Zhang Jian was born in Nantong.

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安德鲁。卡内基,苏格兰裔美国企业家,慈善家1825-1919。Andrew. Carnegie, Scottish born American industrialist and philanthropist 1825-1919

1939年,她认识了富有的法国工业家,亨利.埃德蒙达.菲奥卡,并于当年11月30号嫁给了她。Later, in 1939 she met wealthy French industrialist Henri Edmond Fiocca, whom she married on 30 November.

田家炳博士是香港以至全中国杰出的实业家和慈善家,高风亮节,以振兴国家、教育济世为己任。Dr Tin is a well-known industrialist and a forerunner of philanthropy in Hong Kong. He established the K. P.

工业家亨利认为他的成功相当程度上应归功于积极地利用白日做梦。Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser believed that much of his success was due to the appositive use of daydreaming.

中国繁荣的其中一个原因也许是中国的实业家们不信任他们的政府。One of the reason the Chinese prosper is because most industrialist in China do not trust their own government-.

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著名的发明家和实业家乔治·伊斯曼仔细排列好铅笔、白纸和左轮手枪,留下了同样洗练的遗言。The famous inventor and industrialist George Eastman laid out pencil, paper, and revolver, and was equally terse.

孟买街道生活图片。成群的鸽子在泰姬陵马哈尔酒店的前面,一个世界级寄宿处修建于1903年由印度的工业家J.N。塔塔。Pigeons mass in front of the Taj Mahal Hotel, a world-class lodging built in 1903 by Indian industrialist J. N. Tata.

朱葆三是清末民初著名实业慈善家。Zhu Baosan was a celebrated industrialist and philanthropist during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican period.

工业家与金融家J.P.Morgan相信这次罢工将威胁到商业,于是决定于UMWA进行谈判。Industrialist and financier J.P. Morgan believed the strike could threaten his businesses and made a deal with the union.

家族的赤贫支脉要比传自偷鸡贼的暴发户家族有价值得多。A penniless branch of the Romanovs would be more valuable than a newly rich industrialist family descended from chicken thieves.

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退潮时你才知道谁在裸泳----沃伦。巴菲特,美国投资家和实业家。When the tide goes out, we find out who's been swimming without a bathing suit. --- Warren Buffett, American investor and industrialist.

该研究所于1929年开放,但最早可追溯到1923年将俄亥俄州实业家戈登巴特尔规定成立。The institute opened in 1929 but traces its origins to the 1923 will of Ohio industrialist Gordon Battelle which provided for its creation.

吕先生曾于1992年荣获“青年工业家奖”,并与中港两地政府官员一直保持着良好的关系。He won the Hong Kong Young Industrialist Award in 1992 and maintains excellent working relationships with governments in China and Hong Kong.

1918年陈蝶仙成立家庭工业社,研制出一种名叫无敌牌的牙粉,从此走上实业家的道路。He invented the dentifrice called WuDi and founded the Family Industry Manufactory in 1918 . Since then he chooses his way as a industrialist.

诺贝尔的伟大在于他具有把独创性科学家的品质与卓有远见的企业家的品质相互结合起来的杰出能力。Nobel's greatness lay in the outstanding ability to combine the quality of an original scientists with those of a forward-looking industrialist.

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但这位语速飞快的工业奇才已经翻遍了元素周期表,也找不出一种比钯更安全的替代元素。And the fast-talking industrialist has exhausted the rest of the periodic table looking for an element that is a safer power source than palladium.

毕竟,传闻张树鸿也是因为购买了当地别的工厂的染料而出问题的。Mr Zhang's problems, after all, appear to have stemmed from the contaminated paint he bought from another, as yet unidentified, local industrialist.

长期从事科研与企业经营管理,四川省政府曾授予“科技实业家”称号。"Scientific Industrialist" the title was given by Sichuan Government for combine the scientific technology with business management for a long time.