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在前苏联,腐败丑闻可引发篡权。In the former Soviet Union, corruption scandals can spark usurpation.

对权力的篡夺的担忧远胜于联邦刺激计划。Surely this usurpation is more worrisome than a few federal stimulus programs.

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他有力地抨击罗马教廷僭越权限和腐化败坏的行为。With convincing power he portrayed the usurpation and corruptions of the papal see.

从这一点上正好反映出高氏欲篡夺权位,改朝换代的野心计划。From this point reflects the usurpation of power For Gao, the ambitions of the change plan.

我们没能长久空闲地坐着而真正仅仅认可放荡,蒙混和篡夺。We can no longer sit idly-by and simply accept the debauchery, manipulation and usurpation.

这给某些居心不良的客户经理挪用、侵占客户贷款留下了漏洞。This gives some ill clients Manager misappropriation, usurpation loan customers left loopholes.

家长受到威胁与危害儿童抵抗时,他们篡夺国家自己的权利和责任。Parents are threatened with child endangerment when they resist state usurpation of their rights and responsibilities.

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目前这个斗争表现为蒋介石要篡夺抗战胜利果实和我们反对他的篡夺的斗争。Chiang Kai-shek who is trying to usurp the fruits of victory of the War of Resistance and ourselves who oppose his usurpation.

此外,过度使用的文书或篡夺权力的政治和经济权力已一而再,再而诱发严厉的阻力。Moreover, excessive use of clerical power or usurpation of political and economic power has again and again evoked vigorous resistance.

事实上,在被基督教篡夺之前,密特拉教享有罗马帝国重要人物的支助。Indeed, before its usurpation by Christianity Mithraism enjoyed the patronage of some of the most important individuals in the Roman Empire.

埃德加因为阿什顿爵士篡夺了他家族遗产而憎恨他,但是看到阿什顿爵士的女儿露西后便爱上了露西并宣布放弃复仇。Edgar hates Sir William for this usurpation of his family's heritage, but on meeting Lucy, falls in love with her, and renounces his plans for vengeance.

正好相反,很大一部分灰色收入很可能是以企业、政府收入的减少,或者是侵占掠夺普通人收入、财富为代价的。On the contrary, a large amount of it is likely to come from loss of enterprise and government income or usurpation and plunder of ordinary household income and property.

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除了在法庭的行动,全国各州也表达出了他们的反对声音,反对这次非正义的,违反宪法的,通过立法来篡夺权力的行为。In addition to action in the courts, statesaround the country are also voicing their opposition toward this unjust, unconstitutional usurpation of power through legislation.

我从来没有见到美国妇女认为丈夫行使他的权利就是侵夺她们的权利,更没有见到美国妇女认为这是使她们屈辱服从。I never observed that the women of America consider conjugal authority as a fortunate usurpation of their rights, or that they thought themselves degraded by submitting to it.

我们不支持他们是因为一种单方面地,厚颜地称自己为“南大”的行为,我们不能允许这种粗野的篡夺。But we do not support them because they are being offered by an institution that has unilaterally and unashamedly called itself "Nantah". We cannot allow this crude usurpation.

目前这个斗争表现为蒋介石要篡夺抗战胜利果实和我们反对他的篡夺的斗争。At present it takes the form of a struggle between Chiang Kai-shek who is trying to usurp the fruits of victory of the War of Resistance and ourselves who oppose his usurpation.

那么,当圣洛朗的收集在他的死之后前往拍卖的时候,中国政府尽一切力量防止它的有价值国家资产的继续的篡夺。So, when Saint Laurent's collection went up for auction after his death, the Chinese government made every effort to prevent the continued usurpation of its prized national assets.

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征服者威廉的事业是教皇支持的,不久就征服了英国,英国人也需要有人领导,而且已经对篡权和被征服都习惯了。William the Conqueror, whose cause was favoured by the pope, was soonsubmitted to by the English, who wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest.

周朝战胜商朝,其过程不仅仅是军事征服。周的文化将商的文化取而代之,并作为一种行为和政治的标准而留存。When the Zhou "conquered" Shang, military conflict was a component, but much of the conquest was simply cultural usurpation. Zhou culture became the dominant standard for behavior and politics.