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亥伯龙会赢,他敢打赌。He bet that Hyperion would win.

此书在2007年由Hyperion出版。It was published by Hyperion in 2007.

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我很高兴迪斯尼的海波公司将出版这本书。I am thrilled that Hyperion , the publishing arm of Disney, will be publishing the book.

他们说要找到一棵高度能比379.1英尺的许珀里翁还高的树的几率不到百分之一。The odds of finding a tree taller than the 379.1-foot Hyperion are less than 1 percent, they say.

土卫七犹如遭到弹雨袭击一般布满陨石坑,多数陨石坑口径为2至10公里,至今仍保存完好。Hyperion is peppered with craters, most of which are 2-10 kilometres across, and are well preserved.

海波说,他们大约要出两百万册,但我关心的只是前3本。Hyperion says they're about to have two million copies in print, but all I cared about was the first 3 copies.

全权负责月末结账工作,保证报送各类财务报表的准确性与及时性。Totally in charge of monthly end closing entry of Hyperion and issue the financial reports accurately and timely.

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导演还透露,海波多年前曾和姚芊羽交往,但因种种原因5年前分手。The director also said many years ago, the Hyperion 's relationship with Yao Qianyu, but because of a variety of reasons 5 years ago.

通过测量海波龙数据中的这些能量指纹,研究小组估计出泉水一带丰富的硫及其他沉积。By measuring these energy fingerprints in Hyperion data, the group estimated the abundance of sulfur and other deposits at the spring.

不管他们只是为了得到光阴冢而想要控制海伯利安,还是他们想要对世界网进行全面侵袭。Whether they seek to control just Hyperion for the Time Tombs or whether this is an all-out attack on the Worldweb remains to be seen.

在罗布泊地区的土壤调查和建立的“罗布泊地区土壤图和数据库系统”是一个实例。By combining Landsat, MODIS, and Hyperion satellite imagery and field survey data, we have implemented a GIS database for the Lop Nur area.

土卫七直径约250公里,自身旋转混乱,并且其密度如此之低,内部极有可能是一个庞大的洞穴系统。Hyperion is about 250 kilometers across, rotates chaotically, and has a density so low that it might house a vast system of caverns inside.

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在一次与分析师的电话会议上,埃里森说甲骨文迄今为止的收购对象都是业内的领军企业——例如仁科,海波龙和西贝尔。On a conference call with analysts, Ellison said that Oracle's acquisitions to date have been market leaders-PeopleSoft, Hyperion and Siebel.

当只有少部分的建筑存在的时候,“热心助人的”霍纳会在亥伯龙号上用雷达标注它们的坐标。When only a few structures remain, the ever-helpful Horner up on the Hyperion reveals the remaining infested buildings on your minimap radar.

实验结果证明,在影像处理过程中有机地融入地面实测波谱,可较有效地识别中甸地区与矿相关的石英二长斑岩和石英闪长玢岩。The results show that the method of turning field spectra into Hyperion pixel can effectively detect quartz diorite porphyrite and beschtauite in Zhongdian.

土壤含盐量的反演模型的研究还有待于进一步深入。Moreover, Hyperion data provide a high-dimensional input sample for the establishment of soil salinity model, which greatly improves the accuracy of inversion.

NASA说可通过一台类似于Hyperion的绕轨传感器来识别木卫二上非冰质沉积物中的化学物质,而这可能是外星微生物存在的迹象。"An orbiting sensor like Hyperion could be used to identify chemicals in Europa's non-ice deposits that may be a sign of extraterrestrial microbial life," NASA states.

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NASA说可通过一台类似于Hyperion的绕轨传感器来识别木卫二上非冰质沉积物中的化学物质,而这可能是外星微生物存在的迹象。"An orbiting sensor like Hyperion could be used to identify chemicals in Europa's non-ice deposits that may be a sign of extraterrestrial microbial life, " NASA states.

以美国海波皮处理厂的污水处理工程为例,阐述了美国现行的集现代先进的污水处理技术、固体废物处理技术及废气处理技术为一体的污水资源化技术路线。The up-to-date treatment technologies of wastewater, waste-solid & waste-gas are integrated in American Hyperion Treatment Plant, which forms a technical line of wastewater recycling.

例如杜克将军的诺拉德二、三号和吉姆·雷德指挥的亥伯龙神号都是经由战列巡洋舰特别改装的。There are several examples of vessels specifically refitted for this purpose, such as General Duke's Norad II and Norad III, as well as the battlecruiser Hyperion commanded by Jim Raynor.