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我讨厌抽烟。I hate smoking.

我爱抽烟。I love smoking.

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步枪冒着烟。Smoking rifles.

这里严禁吸烟。No smoking here.

吸烟很老土!!Smoking is Out!!

①,他禁止吸烟。He forbid smoking.

我讨厌她吸烟。I bar her smoking.

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她讨厌抽烟。She hates smoking.

吸烟和癌.Smoking and Cancer.

她在熏火腿。She was smoking ham.

吸烟伤肺。Smoking hurts lungs.

你烟抽少了吗?Are you smoking less?

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吸烟是愚蠢的。Smoking is just dumb.

他不停地抽烟斗。He was smoking a pipe.

你介意我抽烟吗?Do you mind my smoking?

她讨厌他抽烟。She abhors his smoking.

吸烟区还是禁烟区?Smoking or non-smoking?

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她真应该戒烟的。She should quit smoking.

吸烟室在哪里?Where's the smoking car?

商务仓。非吸烟区。Busine cla . Non smoking.