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疯狂的贝蒂是一个女巫。Batty Betty is a witch.

德文是一个巫婆指南。Devin is a witch guide.

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那么,那是女巫吗?Well, is that the witch?

叮咚,女巫已死。Ding-dong, the witch is dead.

那个女巫丑得吓人。The witch was hideously ugly.

你知道为什么吗?你这个小女巫?。You know why, you little witch?

那有一个巫婆骑著扫帚在飞!There's a witch flying on broom!

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我叫葛琳达,是北方的女巫。I'm Glinda, the Witch of the North.

玫瑰水、金缕梅、芦荟。Rose Water, Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel.

叮咚,坏女巫已死。Ding-dong, the Wicked Witch is dead.

他是当地的术士,是个巫师。He's a local juju man, witch doctor.

狮子女巫魔衣橱。The lion, the witch and the wardrobe.

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但女巫用薄雾把他们带错路。But the witch misled them in the mist.

汉克被巫医弄得皮肤呈棕色。Hank was done brown by a witch doctor.

他们笑是因为我就是个女巫。They’re laughing because I am a witch.

行邪术的女人,不可容她存活。Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

多萝西无意中杀死了东方坏女巫。Dorothy kills the bad witch by accident.

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把……变成了应外一种东西。The witch turned the prince into a frog.

加文和巫婆婚礼是怎么样的?!What a wedding Gawain and the witch had!

我儿子显然很会猜字谜。My son is clearly no witch at the riddle.