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申请被批准后,该单位为专利权人。After the application is approved, the entity shall be the patentee.

专利权人以书面声明放弃其专利权的。where the patentee abandons his or its patent right by a written declaration.

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专利权人和社会公众之间利益理应维持一种动态的平衡。The interests of the patentee and the public should be kept in a dynamic balance.

对于外部专利权人,通过可变费方式授权与通过固定费方式授权获得相同的收益。There is no difference between royalty licensing and fix-fee licensing for an outsider patentee.

申请被批准后,申请的单位或者个人为专利权人。After the application is approved, the entity or individual that applied for it shall be the patentee.

申请被批准后,申请的单位或者个人为专利权人。After the application is approved, the entity or individual that applies for it shall be the patentee.

如专利权所有人需偿付对方因法庭错误执行所造成的损失,此命令对专利权所有人同样适用。Such orders are subject to the patentee having to indemnify any party against whom an order was wrongly made.

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专利权人有权在其专利产品或者该产品的包装上标明专利标识。A patentee has the right to put a clear patent sign on its patented product or on the package of the said product.

专利权是指国家依法授予专利权人对其发明创造在一定期限内的独占权。Patent right is an exclusive right for the patentee granted by state to use his invention within a certain period.

由实施单位按照国家规定向专利权人支付使用费。The exploiting entity shall, according to the regulations of the State, pay a fee for exploitation to the patentee.

美国发明家塞谬尔·科尔特诞生于康涅狄格州哈特福德。1835年他获得一种左轮手枪专利权,这种手枪上铸有他的名字。Samuel Colt, American inventor and patentee in 1835 of a revolver that bears his name, was born at Hartford in Connecticut.

如果权利人认为其专利被侵权,权利人如何要求上海海关禁止侵权产品进出口?What can someone do to prevent products from being imported into or exported from China that a patentee believes is infringing its patent rights?

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专利权有效期限届满或者专利权被宣布无效的,专利权人不得就该专利与他人订立专利实施许可合同。A patentee may not conclude a patent licensing contract with another person in respect of his patent after such patent has expired or been invalidated.

近日,宁波中院以调解结案的方式结束了一家德国专利权人对浙江奉化市一家企业提出的八项诉讼。Recently, Ningbo People's Intermediate Court closed eight litigations for a German patentee to against a company located in Fenghua, Zhejiang province.

禁止反悔原则是基于平衡专利权人与社会公共利益的需要、诚实信用原则以及专利文件公信力的要求而产生的。Principle of Estoppel is based on balancing the needs of both patentee and public interest, principle of good faith and Credibility of patent documents.

专利权人有权在其专利产品或者该产品的包装上标明专利标记和专利号。The patentee has the right to affix a patent marking and to indicate the number of the patent on the patented product or on the packing of that product.

侵权认定的标准,直接关系到专利权人的利益和公众利益均衡尺度。The standard to cognizance that the patent right was trenched is directly connected to the balance of the interest both for the patentee and the public.

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在规制专利权的正当行使,平衡专利权人与社会公众利益方面,我国的专利制度还存在较大缺陷。With respect to legitimating the exercise of IP rights and balancing the interests of the patentee and the public, there are more problems in our patent system.

根据要求放弃专利申请起诉的原则,专利申请人可以在起诉期间通过明确而又不会被误释的对其适用范围的否认,来限定其要求保护的专有权利的含义。Under the doctrine of prosecution disclaimer, a patentee may limit the meaning of a claim term by making a clear and unmistakable disavowal of scope during prosecution.

假定线段城市上的两个厂商执行歧视价格,分析了外部专利权人和内部专利权人的专利授权策略。The optimal licensing strategy of an outsider patentee as well as an insider patentee in a linear city framework where firms practice price-discrimination is considered.