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我十分怀恋我的童年。I think fondly of my childhood.

我永远对你魂牵梦绕。Ever of you I'm fondly dreaming.

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爱,能唤起所有的眷念。Love, can arouse all of the fondly.

保姆怜爱地抚摸着孩子。The nurse fondled the child fondly.

第三页载满对你的思念。Page 3 carry full remember fondly to you.

人是我最怀念起火。The person I most fondly remember is Cmdr.

忘记今天的见面,莫再怀念。Forgot today meeting, not again fondly remembers.

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为此,我会常常怀念他们——真真切切地。And for that, I would always remember them fondly.

她很爱她的那个虽然不务正业而心地善良的父亲。She had fondly loved her sinful but good-natured father.

峩也许喜欢怀念鉨。多于看见袮。Perhaps I like fondly remembering you, regarding sees you.

我相信在每一个怀念他和深爱他的朋友心中是永垂不巧的。I believed all his friends will fondly remember him forever.

我现在仍深情地记得乐高积木的弟弟杜培乐积木。I remember fondly the younger brother of the Lego, the Duplo.

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多少年来,我天真地把他看作是我"最思念的人"。Over the years I fondly thought of him as my "Valentine Man."

星期一马克的昔日同窗对他进行了追思。Mark Madoff was remembered fondly by former classmates Monday.

她深深眷恋着与他共享过的美好时光。She is fondly attached to the good old days she shared with him.

天真或顽皮地轻拍或压挤,特指拍下巴。To Pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin.

当然,更令人怀念的还有已故的陈百强。Certainly, makes one fondly remember also has deceased Chen Baiqiang.

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迈克尔深情地回忆起了他的家庭在如切的悠久历史。Mr. Puhaindran fondly remembers his family's long history in Joo Chiat.

他很天真地回忆起小时候是如何喜欢“克朗奇船长米粉”和可可脆饼。And he fondly remembers loving Cap'n Crunch and Cocoa Krispies as a kid.

那是一个漫长的,令人厌倦的经历,但也是令我难忘的美好回忆。It has been a long, tiresome experience, but one that I'll remember fondly.