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我从未想过自己会落得如此地步。I never intellection I'd be here.

我想,这表示我们无形的思想导引着真实的人生。The real life is guided by our incorporeal intellection.

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是那些原因造成土地观念的改变?What are these causes due to change the intellection of land?

我们确知二加二等于四,是单纯的思惟作用。Our assurance that twice two are four is a matter of pure intellection.

请求权基础之选择是一个科学、严谨的法律思维过程。Choosing a foundation of right of claim is a scientific and scrupulous legal intellection process.

正当我的大学学业快进行不下去时,天使出现了。Just when I intellection the bottom was going to drop out of my academy career, an angel appeared.

旨在使学生在建构历史学科知识的同时获得多方面的智力发展。Its major idea is to improve students intellection in all aspects when they are construct their history knowledge.

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手语又是最符合聋人思维习惯和认知方式的语言,聋人学习手语具有天然优势。Sign language accords with the intellection habit and cognitive mode of deaf people and they have natural advantages to grasp it.

根据现代控制论的观点,PID控制有诸多优点,即本质的鲁棒性和智能化。According to the viewpoint of modern control theory, many advantages are provided in PID control, i. e. , the inherent robustness and intellection.

翻唱乐队通常都不会像那些自行创作歌曲的乐队那样得到器重,即使是在其音乐造诣非常之高的情况下。Cover bands are not mostly intellection of as highly for those who jot their possess songs, modify if their musicianship is of a very lofty standard.

形象直觉思维和抽象逻辑思维同时发挥作用,而形象直觉思维在人工控制过程中占主导地位。The instinct intellection and abstract intellection exist in the human_based controlling procedure, the instinct intellection is the main intellection.

秉承“融合、创新、智能”的艾美讯将一如既往地为合作伙伴提供实用、优质、领先的科技产品。With "cooperation, innovation, intellection", Amsam will keep always provide high quality, perfect price, and high technology products to our partners.

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文化精神是渗透在一个社会物质、制度和精神中的思维方式和价值取向。Ethos of culture is considered to be an intellection and an orientation of value, which are reflected in social substance, social system and social genius.

模拟人的思维方式,用模糊控制与PID控制相结合实现在钢包底吹氩系统中流量控制。A flow control method which combines fuzzy control and PID control and simulate human intellection is realized in the system of blowing argon from ladle bottom.

藉著探讨嘉兰人土地观念的变迁,进而理解环境与历史的变迁是如何影响嘉兰人的行为。By study the change of the intellection and circumstance of land in Ka-aluan village, we hereby understand how the environment and history can affect the Ka-aluan's behavior.

联席会议由市政府召集或者由市政府委托市知识产权部门召集。The Joint Meeting shall be convened by the Municipal Government or be convened by the municipal intellection property department upon authorization of the Municipal Government.

根据现代控制理论的观点,PID控制有诸多优点,即本质的鲁棒性、优化控制特征和智能化。According to the viewpoint of modern control theory, many advantages are provided in PID control, i. e. , the inherent robustness, optimal contract characteristic and intellection.

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重点介绍了各组装模块的设计、实验台的排烟系统、温度检测系统等,所搭建的模型实验台具有灵活性和智能性的特点。Mainly discussed on the designing of modules, the smoke exhausting system, temperature examining system, etc. The experimental model has the characters of agility and intellection.

机器人导航系统是移动机器人研究领域的热门课题和技术难点,作为实现机器人独立行走的基础性模块,其性能的优劣直接影响到机器人整体的自主性和智能化水平。Navigation system is a popular and difficult subject in robotics, serving as a basic module for robot automatic system, it has great influence on mobility and intellection of mobile robot.