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淋球菌是一种细菌。Drench coccus is a kind of bacterium.

细菌通过呼出的飞沫传播。The bacterium is spread by exhaled droplets.

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它是由沙眼衣原体细菌。It is caused by the chlamydia trachomatis bacterium.

这种细菌对有身女性的毒害尤其严重。This bacterium is especially toxic to pregnant women.

对于玩的爱好者来说什么是一个安全的细菌?What is a safe bacterium for a hobbyist to play with?

它是由一种叫肉毒杆菌的细菌合成。It is made by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.

该病由霍乱弧菌引起。The disease is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.

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产噬的在细胞内带有前噬菌体的。Carrying a prophage within the cell. Used of a bacterium.

同时他们还确认了引发布鲁里溃疡传播的细菌。They also identified the bacterium that causes Buruli ulcer.

弯曲杆菌是一种引起肠道感染的细菌。Campylobacter is a bacterium that causes intestinal infections.

滋润干燥的皮肤,抗老化、淡斑、调理、抗菌。Moisten dry skin. Anti- aging, melody speckle, resist bacterium.

人类细胞,和细菌细胞Cells that I took from a human and cells that are in a bacterium.

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这种Bt基因来自于一种名为图根菌的细菌。The Bt genes came from a bacterium called Bacillus thuring ensis.

其他领域寻求强化关于这种细菌本身的知识。Other fields seek to enhance knowledge about the bacterium itself.

该菌在国内口岸属于首次检出,并且得到了局领导的高度重视。The bacterium was detected at the port for the first time in China.

这种肺病与黑死病一样,是由同一种杆菌引起的。The lung disease is caused by the same bacterium as bubonic plague.

通过使用鼠李糖作为碳源的能力与固氮菌属中其它成员区别。Ammonium and nitrate are used as nitrogen sources by this bacterium.

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红茶菌是一种由醋酸菌和酵母菌共生发酵得到一种共生体。Kombucha is a kind of symbiosis with yeast and acetic acid bacterium.

目的初步探讨慢性咽炎的细菌学问题。Objective To study the bacterium of patients with chronic pharyngitis.

他们设计的飞行器是一个细菌大小的翼状杆。The craft they deployed was a wing-shaped rod the size of a bacterium.