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大牧场主在扭脖子上绑了条绳子。The rancher put a rope around the cow's neck.

为了卖而进行放牧牛或羊的牧场主。A rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market.

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我已经决定要成为一个“无角赫里福德”的牧场主。I've decided to become a "polled hereford" rancher.

但是现在疯狂山脉的牧场主们还在坚守阵地。But for now, the Crazy Mountain rancher would rather stay put.

达雷尔斯蒂文森,左,是美国牛仔和牛牧场主。Darrell Stevenson, left, is an American cowboy and cattle rancher.

尤雅娜认识万利拉时19岁,他告诉她自己经营一个牧场。Guzman was 19 when she met Varela. He told her he was a cattle rancher.

没事的时候,大牧场主人就会去猎杀土狼。When otherwise unoccupied, the rancher engaged in hunting down coyotes.

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农庄主人们一个接一个的发表一段放连珠炮似的气势汹汹的讲话。One rancher after another delivered himself of a torrent of furious words.

牧场主人晓得这项突变具有生财的潜力,于是马上就把这只公羊做为种羊。Sensing a moneymaking mutation, the rancher promptly put the ram out for stud.

州内最好的牧场主汤姆·拉格伦就曾经在他那帮牛仔的帮助下做过尝试。Tom Raglan , the best rancher in the state, had tried with the help of his cowboys.

这位牧场主在马鞍上轻松自如,他在离最近的小镇60英里的大牧场上放牧牲口。At home in the saddle, a rancher works stock on a spread 60 miles from the nearest town.

该期封面照,一位农场主和她的三个孩子,正准备参加牛仔竞技表演。On the cover, a rancher poses with her three children while waiting to take part in a rodeo.

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霍华德·莱曼是第四代的牧场经营者,在1979年时,他的脊髓患了癌症。Howard Lyman is a fourth generation cattle rancher. In 1979 he developed cancer in the spinal cord.

一名牧场主在加拿大的育空地区在佩利河大农场处理一头母牛和她的小牛犊。A rancher attends to a mother cow and her calf at the Pelly River Ranch in Canada's Yukon Territory.

农场主很生气,他把我送进波兹曼的路德教会孤儿院,我再没看到过那家农场。The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again.

大农场主很生命力,他把我送进波兹曼的路德教会孤儿院,我再没看见过那家大农场。The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again.

比如说,牧场主比农夫养牛养得肥、土豆也种得好。For example, suppose that the rancher is better at raising cattle and better at growing potatoes than the farmer.

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几周前,一位著名的白人大农场主在边境附近被杀害,可能是走私者或非法移民所为。A few weeks ago a prominent white rancher near the border was killed, possibly by a smuggler or illegal immigrant.

环保局频繁的攻击迫使这些牧场主“勉强”停止非法清空更多用来扩大他们的牧场的土地。Frequent Ibama raids had made ranchers "reluctant" to illegally clear land on which to expand their herds, said the rancher.

牧屋后面不远处,牧民们驾着敞篷马车,带/载着家人,赶着驮马、母牛和猪,一路嘎吱向前。Not far behind the rancher creaked the prairie schooners of the farmers bringing their families, their draft horses, cows, and pigs.