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向来情深,奈何缘浅。Always feeling, but rim shallow.

这个玻璃杯的边缘破掉了。The rim of the glass was broken.

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茶碗缺了个口儿。The rim of the teacup is chipped.

叫做。RIM 850 It was called the RIM 850.

眼圈的色素与鼻镜匹配。Eye rim pigment should match the nose.

油从汽油桶的边缘流出。The oil flowed over the rim of the drum.

一个跑投,球击中篮框前沿,进了!Running jumper, off the front rim and in!

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深沉的石榴红色酒体,边缘呈樱桃般的迷人色泽。Intense garnet in color with a cherry rim.

所以,RIM公司的做法是两全其美。So, RIM could have the best of both worlds.

牛奶溢到玻璃杯外面来了。The milk slopped over the rim of the glass.

迎香穴在鼻翼外缘中点。The midpoint of the alar rim Yingxiang point.

每一件都绘有金边和玫瑰花束。Each piece had a gold rim and a band of roses.

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如果你能跳得比篮筐还高。If you could leap shoulder-high above the rim.

佛说,缘是劫来,劫为缘。Buddha said, is to survive, rob margin for rim.

以致于慢慢地养了一圈的脾酒肚。Slowly, the comfort create a rim of beer belly.

仔细绑在一起用作窗玻璃的玻璃片。A border or rim of lead, as around a windowpane.

加强车圈而增加了额外的重量。Beef the rim up and make it extra heavy as well.

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我们不喜好如许的盘边,盘边必需是脊状的。We don't like the rim. The rim should be ridged.

年轻的色调,色浓,边缘呈粉红色。Youthful hue, good concentration, thin pink rim.

颜色适中,樱桃红里透着一圈栗色光环。Medium-intense, cherry-red color with a maroon rim.