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泌尿学。Nature Reviews Urology.

结论彻底降低了泌尿外科的感染率。Conculsion To reduce urology infection rates.

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北京妇产医院男科泌尿外科主任医师马东认为。Beijing Maternity Hospital urology chief physician male horse East think.

死亡原因多由于泌尿系统阻塞后引起尿毒症或感染。Dead reason is much uremia is caused after block or affect as a result of urology.

为泌尿学专家提供的信息交流平台。Urology network-the central information and communication platform for urologists.

近年来腔内泌尿外科迅速发展,在泌尿外科领域广泛应用。Endourology developed rapidly and was applied extensively in urology in recent years.

只需一到50岁,每年就应到正轨病院的泌尿外科做次筛查。Only one or 50 years, every year should go to the track hospital urology do screening.

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这出版瞄准主要在积极的外科医生在重建的泌尿学领域。This publication is aimed primarily at surgeons active in the field of reconstructive urology.

林贵霆教授在泌尿外科实验室从事研究工作,发布或与他人共同发布了80余次刊物。Lin conducts research in the Urology Laboratory and has authored or co-authored over 80 publications.

从事泌尿外科专业二十年,历任全国多所三甲级医院泌尿外科主任。Urology professional in two decades, more than three successive National Class Hospital Urology Director.

曾多次参加国内外泌尿外科学术研讨会,并发表相关论文数篇。Many times at home and abroad in urology academic seminars, and the relevant papers published several articles.

长期从事泌尿外科临床工作,熟练掌握泌尿外科及男性科疾病诊疗的最新进展。Engaging in urology clinical work, mastering urology and section male disease diagnosis and the latest progress.

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暨南大学附属第一医院泌尿外科是广东省“五个一”工程重点学科。Urology department of the first hospital affiliated to JINANUniversity is the pivotal unit of Guangdong province.

这项研究由纽约州康乃尔大学韦尔医学院穆哈尔博士领导,发表在「泌尿学」期刊。John P. Mulhall of the Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York, and published in the journal Urology.

这些病人先前入住泌尿外科病房,期间都接受静脉内穿刺治疗。These patients had been previously hospitalised in the urology ward, during which all had received intravenous therapy.

这为期一天的实习班,前一天举行的AUA年会,是泌尿科医师和泌尿外科的居民设计的。This one-day hands-on course, held the day prior to the AUA Annual Meeting, is designed for urologists and urology residents.

从事泌尿外科临床工作30余年,擅长泌尿外科、肛肠科及男科各类疾病的诊治。Urology in more than 30 years of clinical expert in urology, Anorectal male and the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

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医院表示对换肾手术毫不知情,因为这个肾内科早已经被该医院承包给一个私营业主了。The hospital, which admitted contracting out its urology department to a private businessman, denied any knowledge of the surgery.

目的探讨院外护理教育对提高泌尿系造口患者疾病认知水平的作用。Objective To probe into the influence of out-hospital nursing education on knowledge of urology stoma in patients after cystostomy.

邓安富泌尿外科副主任医师,毕业于华北煤炭医学院,广东优生优育协会专家委员会委员。Deng Anfu Deputy Director of Urology graduated from North China Coal Medical College Guangdong eugenics Association Expert Committee.