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第四阶段产业化尚在酝酿阶段。Phase IV is still brewing industrialization stage.

第二章,民办教育产业。The second chapter is about NGE industrialization.

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媒体产业化是一次全方位的变革。Media industrialization is a omni-directional change.

采用固定床反应器,有利于工业化。Be favor of industrialization using fixed bed reactor.

拥有整套世界先进铸铜转子压铸生产系统技术。YCD is being engaged in industrialization of copper motor rotor.

它利用新型材料,产业化程度较高。It uses new materials and owns higher degree of industrialization.

高等继续教育发展的出路在于产业化。The egress of China's high continual education is industrialization.

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洋务企业是近代中国早期工业化的产物。Yangwu enterprises were the outcome of early Chinese industrialization.

这对纳米氧化镁的工业化制备具有一定的参考价值。And the research could be usefull for the industrialization of nano-MgO.

地质公园是自然资源的组成部分,可以实行产业化。Geopark as part of natural resources may be practiced industrialization.

协助曾昭宝同志负责推进新型工业化工作。Assist the Vice Mayor Zeng Zhaobao in her work to advance industrialization.

城镇化是工业化和现代化的必然趋势。Urbanization and industrialization is the inevitable trend of modernization.

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目前正全力投入磷酸铁锂电池的产业化。Sparing no effort to realize the industrialization of LFP battery at present.

中国战的工业化建设,是这场讨论的思想基础。The analytical basis of the discussions was China's postwar industrialization.

19世纪初摧枯拉朽的工业化革命彻底颠覆了这种格局。The onslaught of industrialization in the early 19th century changed all of that.

如何加快体育产业化发展,仍然是体育界在改革中面临的课题。How to promote the sports industrialization is still an issue in sports reforming.

第三部分,提出高密“三绝”产业化发展的思路和对策。The third part is designing plan to industrialization of Gaomi three unique skills.

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在南方红豆杉产业化建设上得到了迅速发展。Got developing quickly on construction of industrialization of southern ormosia fir.

对利用硼泥生产轻质碳酸镁课题进行工业化研究。Industrialization of producing light magnesium carbonate from boron mud was studied.

阿尔卑斯山的森林仍是原始林区,未遭工业破坏。The forests on the Alps are still in pristine region, unspoiled by industrialization.