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人类发现了第一个宜居外星球?The first habitable exoplanet?

没有周期是36天的行星。The 36-day habitable world wasn't there.

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因为秋天无疑是一年中最惬意的季节。It is easily the most habitable season of the year.

我们正在搜索不在适居带的地球般大小的行星。We are finding Earth-size planets. Not in the habitable zone.

而正是霍布斯,使得这块新的领域适于研究。It was Hobbes who helped to make this new continent habitable.

这“第一颗可居住的太阳系外行星”的发现史可谓一波三折。The “first habitable exoplanet” already has a checkered history.

即便是对于红矮星而言,这可能也太近了,生命无法居住。Even for a red dwarf star, this is probably too close to be habitable.

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不过这个行星实际上是在一个我们叫做“可居住带”的轨道上运转。However, this planet, in fact, orbits in what we call the habitable zone.

三个同样大小的行星在更凉的恒星宜居区里。Three more similarly sized planets are in habitable zones of cooler stars.

如果你在适合居住地带发现了一颗行星,就能说明这里有生命吗?Because if you found one in the habitable zone, would that mean it had life?

这两颗行星是在它们恒星周围的的宜居区中所被发现的最小的系外行星。Both are the smallest exoplanets ever found in their stars' habitable zones.

因而在我们之外的星系中潜在的宜居星体也许是数以亿计的。So there could potentially be billions of habitable cosmic bodies out there.

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有证据表明,火星过去的环境也许更适宜生命存在。Evidence also suggests that Mars may have been even more habitable in the past.

我们也正在寻找并试图找到适居带内的一些大行星。We are looking for planets and finding a few big planets in the habitable zone.

还是就适合液态水的存在条件而言,必须被集中限定在这个宜居区域内吗?And is the focus on a habitable zone defined in terms of liquid water appropriate?

目前尚不清楚火星上的宜居气候有多长,能否孕育生命。It's unknown if the habitable climate lasted long enough for life to emerge on Mars.

然而,新发现的行星g恰好位于宜居带正中区域。The newly-discovered planet g, however, lies right in the middle of the habitable zone.

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一开始的时候,Nikolay想在那建造一个浴室的,但是后来他又决定把那建造成可以居住的地方。At first Nikolay wanted to build a bath there, but then he decided to make it habitable.

宇宙中的宜居地带似乎非常辽阔,宇宙中可能充满了生命。The habitable zones of the cosmos are vast, it seems, and they may be teeming with life.

本世纪初,西尔斯·罗巴克用邮件征订的方法卖房子,许多房子八十年来还是那么坚固适用。Sears Roebuck sold houses by mail-order. Many are still sturdy and habitable 80 years on.