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我不喜欢紧身衣。I do not like skintight clothes.

她穿着紧身牛仔裤和白色毛衣。She wore skintight jeans and a white sweater.

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这些让人血脉贲张的美人儿穿着性感的紧身皮裤。These drawer-dropping beauties in skintight leather trousers.

罗伯特身穿黄黑相间的紧身外衣,上面印有广告。He wore a skintight black and yellow outfit covered with advertisements.

一天,一个身着紧身迷你裙的女子在公车站等车。One day, at a bus stop there was a girl who was wearing a skintight miniskirt.

第二天早晨,一位身穿紧身运动服的漂亮女人敲响了胖男人的房门。Next morning , a beautiful woman in a skintight exercise suit knocked on the man's door.

只有你和你最富时尚品味的朋友知道你裹着一条灰绿色的紧身裤。Only you and your fellow fashion illuminati will know you’re packing lime green skintight pants.

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我希望练习滑冰的小男孩不再为穿紧身的、闪闪发光的天鹅绒连身衣而感到难为情。I hope little boys starting to skate today are never afraid to throw on some glitter, wear a skintight velvet Onesie.

一个女人从她破败的仿佛要塌掉的公寓花朵图案帘子后兜售紧身弹力超短裙和粗俗艳丽的带图案短衫。A woman sells skintight spandex miniskirts and gaudy, patterned blouses from behind a flowery curtain in her ramshackle apartment.

在过去的两周,从米兰到巴黎,这种秘密的心电感应在关于低至踝关节的贴身底裤上发出了相同信号。Over the past two weeks, from Milan to Paris, that mysterious telepathy has been signalling skintight underpants that reach to the ankle.

第二天一早,一位穿着紧身衣的丰姿绰约的女人敲开了这个男人的门“如果你能追上我,我就是你的了,”说着这个女人转身就跑。Next morning, a beautiful woman in a skintight exercise suit knocked on the man's door. "If you can catch me, you can have me, " she said, as she took off.

穿着紧身的西班牙斗牛裤,她可以用简单的步子走出最著名的出场姿态,而且玛丽莲的芳容,以最流行的标准来看,与她身姿一般曼妙绝伦。In skintight toreador pants, she manages to make the world's most famous come-on out of a simple walkaway , and Marilyn's face, by popular standards, is as spectacular as her figure.