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我有一个背囊。I have a backpack.

我的背包丢了。I lost my backpack.

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那是你的双肩包吗?Is that your backpack?

他们在我的双肩包里。They are in my backpack.

你的背包里有什么?What’s in your backpack?

带了,在我的书包里面。Yes,it's in my backpack.

那些激光唱片在你的背包里。Those CDs are in your backpack.

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背包现在已经满了,对吧?没有空间了?The backpack is now full, right?

杰克的铅笔盒在双肩背包里吗?Jack's pencil-box in the backpack?

而且我的旧包太小了。And my old backpack is really small.

我需要为我的假期准备一个新的双肩包。I need a new backpack for my vacation.

我试图用背包来盖住我的光腿。I try to cover bare leg with backpack.

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隐藏的毛绒填充背包肩带。Hide-away plush padded backpack straps.

比如去上大学还是去周游欧洲?Go to college or backpack around Europe?

我在你背包里看到一个葡萄酒瓶。I can see a wine bottle in your backpack.

坐火车去欧洲旅行,定一张最快的飞机票,如果有一个双肩包那就更好了。If a backpack is involved, all the better.

为什么我背包里会有葡萄酒瓶?Why do I have wine bottles in my backpack?

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所以我在考虑换一个新的双肩包。So I think I'm going to buy a new backpack.

李力买这个绿色背包用了39美元。Lili spent 39 dollars on the green backpack.

我有两个背包,一大一小。I had a large backpack and a smaller daypack.