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神学上的术语就是“全知”。The theological term is " omniscience."

证明武神学院的都是废物!Proof force theological seminary of is all reject!

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刘恩宏是卫理神学院2009年神学二年级学生。Lau Ong Heng is our second year theological student in 2009.

江锦顺是卫理神学院2006年神学四年级学生。Kong Kim Soon is our fourth year theological student in 2006.

王艾明牧师,神学教授,神学博士,金陵协和神学院副院长。Rev. Prof. Dr. Aiming Wang, VP. Nanjing Union Theological Seminary.

血液的流变特性遵从卡森方程。The blood theological characteristics is suited to Casson equation.

教会在神学理论上已经分裂了,这是一种情感上的分裂。The church has had theological schisms. This is an emotional schism.

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弗兰克·詹姆斯是戈登康威尔神学院的院长。Frank A. James III is provost of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

他在经学院教授圣经,是个虔诚的基督徒。He teaches the Bible in theological schools and is a pious Christian.

他说的可能情况远远超出最疯狂神学的猜想的结果。He's staged a scenario far beyond the wildest theological conjectures.

在流变试验中这些参数均为时间的函数。In theological experiments these parameters are all functions of time.

来见见著名的神学统计学家塞西西斯尔思韦特爵士。Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological statistician.

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但是照神学诗人们看,天帝约夫并不比山峰高。But for the theological poets Jove was no higher than the mountain peaks.

2000年在信经神学院读函授研究生,肄业。In 2000, she studied the graduate courses at Xinjing Theological Seminary.

方鸿学长,将那个武神学院的白痴揍一顿!Hong senior of square beats the idiocy of that martial theological seminary!

那些像卡特里娜飓风之类的灾难,给我们提出了很多神学方面的问题。I think that tragedies like Hurricane Katrina raised for us theological questions.

而在与深奥的的神学现实相关的事情上,我似乎尤其如此。This seems to me especially true in relation to the profoundest theological realities.

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之后前往马来西亚圣经学院受装备,再重返圣道堂服事神。After her studies in Malaysia Theological Seminary, she returned to serve in her church.

因此,阿多诺的自然美观只是一种神学的自然美观。Therefore, Adorno 's natural beauty outlook is only a theological natural beauty outlook.

但最重要的标准,这可能不会让你吃惊,即神学可接受性。But the most important criterion--this probably won't shock you, theological acceptability.