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并有多个规则面。And it is faceted.

一般来说,你不会找到多方面虎眼。Generally, you will not find faceted tiger eye.

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你可曾在你的网站实施语境式的导航?Have you implemented faceted navigation in your web site?

分面导航克服了这些不利因素。A faceted navigation approach overcomes these disadvantages.

分面导航对于大型电子商务网站非常有用。Faceted navigation is very useful on large e-commerce sites.

可以将此结构化元数据用于分面导航。You can use this structured metadata for faceted navigation.

他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧是不同凡响的。The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable.

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底足有九个边,这样的设计非常少见。The nine-sided faceted foot shape is an extremely rare occurrence.

我们正在寻找松散地被切割成有小面的和凸圆形的石头。We are looking for loose cut stones in both faceted and cabochons.

以全透明水晶制成,配有切割水晶角和黑矿色水晶眼睛。Fully faceted clear crystal dromedary with eyes in Jet Hematite crystal.

纯银多方面的立方氧化锆或半宝石中心。Sterling silver with faceted cubic zirconia or semi-precious stone center.

该系统的核心部分是刻面分类模式合并处理单元。The core of the system is faceted classification schema merging process unit.

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棒球盖帽,球和蝙蝠在在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶与铑被镀的细节…Baseball cap, ball and bat in faceted clear crystal with rhodium-plated details.

全面清楚的水晶熊举行克里斯面光暹水晶心。Fully faceted clear crystal Kris Bear holding a faceted Light Siam crystal heart.

面搜索结果通常只显示每个面的几个可能值。Faceted search results typically display only a few possible values for each facet.

在这种情况下,面点彩工具可能会帮助他们实现暗色调。In such cases the faceted stippling tool probably helps them achieve darker shades.

尽管还有更多的工作要做,但这已经显示了分面导航的主要特性。While this still needs work, it already shows the main features of faceted navigation.

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本文对分面分类法诞生以来基本理论的研究进行了评述。This paper reviews the fundamental theory of faceted classification at home and abroad.

波尔图沃达丰建筑的外表皮由四边形的面板与三角形玻璃窗构成。Called Oporto Vodafone Building, the project has a faceted concrete shell with angular windows.

易指导、金融资讯、金融培训等多方位的专业服务。Easy guidance, financial information, financial training, multi- faceted professional services.