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汝拉州独有的传统,是旅游零售。Jura Legacy is exclusive to travel retail.

他物权为我国物权法制定中的最大难点。Jura in re aliana is a major difficulty in the making of China's jus in rem.

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父亲在朱拉岛没有出现任何财务问题,所以说她是多么的重要。None of the accounts of my father's time on Jura recognise how essential she was.

奥威尔离开了朱拉岛,住进了位于科茨沃尔德上的肺结核疗所。By now Orwell had left Jura and checked into a TB sanitorium high in the Cotswolds.

日内瓦位于侏罗山脉和阿尔卑斯山脉之间,日内瓦湖的西端。Geneva is situated between the jura range and the alps on the western end of lake geneva.

最初,在“一个难以忍受的冬季”之后,他非常享受朱拉岛里的孤寂和天然美。At first, after "a quite unendurable winter", he revelled in the isolation and wild beauty of Jura.

日内瓦位于日内瓦湖的西南角上,在汝拉山和阿尔卑斯山之间。Geneva is located at the southwestern corner of Lake Geneva, between the Jura Mountains and the Alps.

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控占权、占用权、用益权和经营权构成他物权的基本类型和科学体系。Control right, occupation right, use and management right form the basic types and scientific system of Jura in re aliana.

联校图书馆的各馆馆员均要负责挑选,处理和把书送往联校大学研究档案库储存。Responsible for the work and costs associated with the selection, processing and deposit of the materials to be sent to JURA.

近40项顶尖工艺,在钟表的制作过程中与汝拉山谷的高贵传统完美融合。Nearly 40 top craftsmanship, in the production of watches and clocks in the process of the noble tradition of Jura Valley perfect integration.

在朱拉岛,奥威尔得以从烦扰中解脱,但即使在赫布里底群岛中的一个岛屿上,自由创作亦不会变得轻松一点。On Jura he would be liberated from these distractions but the promise of creative freedom on an island in the Hebrides came with its own price.

瑞士的气候大致是清凉及潮湿,可分为三个气候带,侏罗山与中部,阿尔卑斯山及阿尔卑斯山以南地区。Switzerland's climate is generally cool and wet, can be divided into three climatic zones, with the central jura , the Alps and the area south of the Alps.

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瑞士的第三大城市日内瓦位于猪猡山区和阿尔卑斯山之间日内瓦湖西南角的罗纳河谷。Switzerland's third largest city, Geneva, is located in the Rhone Valley at the southwestern corner of Lake Geneva between the Jura Mountains and the Alps.

洛桑是瑞士法语区城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸,与法国城市埃维昂莱班隔湖相望,北面是侏罗纪山脉。Lausanne is a city in Romandy, the French-speaking part of Switzerland, situated on the shores of Lake Genève and with the Jura mountains to its north-west.

生活在朱拉岛,奥威尔和儿子可以户外出游,钓鱼,环岛行和划船游,享受天伦之乐。Part of the pleasure of life on Jura was that he and his young son could enjoy the outdoor life together, go fishing, explore the island, and potter about in boats.

成立于2006年,家用科学和技术公司致力于为您带来最高质量,最先进的汽车音响可在今天快速变化的市场。Established in 2006, the JURA science and technology company is dedicated to bringing you the highest quality, cutting-edge vehicle acoustics available in today's fast changing market.

传统民法理论与民事立法的所有权中存在着占有权能制度,在所有权和他物权之外,还存在着独立的占有制度。There exists the occupying capacity constitution in the ownership of traditional civil theory and legislation, and independent occupancy system besides ownership and jura in re aliana.

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贝尔福法国东北部具有战略意义的城市,在贝尔福山峡的制高点上,位于孚日山脉与侏罗山脉之间,控制着通往法国、德国和瑞士的陆上通道。人口51206。A city of northeast france commanding the strategic belfort gap between the vosges and the jura mountains thus dominating the land approaches from france germany and switzerland. Population 51206.