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园坑池,中途,犹他州。Homestead Crater Pool, Midway, Utah.

是家园独霸还是和谐共享?Dispossessing the homestead or sharing harmoniously?

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他顺着路一直走,直到看见宅基地。He followed it until he was in sight of the homestead.

在一场平静的葬礼中,施密被安葬在拉尔斯家宅。In a quiet funeral, Shmi was buried at the Lars homestead.

往日的田园依旧是今日温馨家园。The past country estate is yet their warm homestead today.

白日的天光,把麦尔布礼先生的整个产业都展现在人们面前。The daylight revealed the whole of Mr. Melbury's homestead.

农村宅基地管理中存在哪些问题?Which problems in the countryside homestead management has?

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阿纳金带着母亲的尸体回到拉尔斯的农庄。Anakin returned to the Lars Homestead with his mother's body.

狄金森的住所现在位于Amherst学院内。The Dickinson Homestead is now located on the Amherst College campus.

气韵生动的自然成为人类追求的自由生命的精神家园。Vivid manner in Nature becomes the spiritual homestead for free life.

他是当初还由基尔的父亲掌管家业那个时代的一个幸存者。He was a survival from the days when Gile 's father held the homestead.

疲惫的,黝黑的,漂亮的,强壮的,来自家园和车间的。Worn, swart , handsome, strong, of the stock of homestead and workshop.

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“萨卓。佛斯特”的乡村别墅是第一所她自己研究、动手建设的家园。The Fosters' country homestead is a study in contrasts, as are the Fosters.

保护地球家园,是每一位在世者义不容辞的责任。Protecting the earth our homestead is an unshirkable duty for every earthling.

事实上,对于内布拉斯加州的碧翠丝小镇来说,甚至已经制定了他们的2010年宅地法。In fact, the town of Beatrice, Nebraska has even enacted a Homestead Act of 2010.

佩利河是育空河的支流,也是育空河流域最早开发出来的田园。The Pelly River is a Yukon tributary and site of the territory's first homestead.

他向四周看了看,看了看路上也看了看宅基地和树林的边缘。He looked around, not just up the road but toward the homestead and edge of the woods.

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制定和修改您仕达发展计划及其自给收入基数。Develop and modify your homestead development plan and its self-supporting income base.

警犬和追踪他的人聚集在宅基地和大铁门中间。The hounds and the men hunting him had gathered between the homestead and the iron gate.

它们在伐木路上碰到杰希的脚印后转向了宅基地。They stopped on the logging road where they met Jesse's, then veered toward the homestead.