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他一个钱也没有。He has n't a sou.

并且家里一个苏也没有!And not a sou in the house!

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那十五个苏你丢了吗?Have you lost that fifteen- sou piece?

我们可以说,一艘船或者一条船。We can say " yi sou " or " yi tiao " boat.

冉阿让收下这个苏,总深深地一鞠躬。Jean Valjean accepted the sou with a deep bow.

晚餐地点位于丹戎巴葛呼吁家舜泉。Dinner place was located at tanjong pagar called ka sou.

苏夫人一听林媚的话,心头的火气“嗖嗖”上涨。If Su's madam a listen to Lin Mei, quick temper"Sou Sou" of the at heart soars.

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有时,他会遇见一些软心肠的妇人转过身来给他一个苏。It sometimes happened that kind-hearted women turned back to bestow a sou on him.

所以现在你该站在舞台上,向大家展示,你是多么美丽动人。My heart would be full. Sou go out that stage now, and u show them how beautiful u re.

“好吧,”她说,“这是些很穷的人,是个没有钱的破棚棚。”"Well," said she, "they're very poor folks, and it's a hovel where there isn't a sou."

蛇形画廊2013年的展馆是日本建筑师藤本壮介设计的。The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion for 2013 was designed by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto.

一开始台湾是由郑家统治的,之后才是清,所以你能看到它逐渐的改变它的颜色。Firstly it's ruled by the Zheng Family. then Qing, sou can cit gradually changes its color.

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当面包已经切好,面包师也收下了那个苏,伽弗洛什便对那两个孩子说。When the bread was cut, the baker threw the sou into his drawer, and Gavroche said to the two children.

妈妈把钱放在一个小猪型储蓄罐里,给你存着准备读大学用。And your mom, was savin' money for you in a jar , Trynna start a piggy bank for you sou could go to college.

布什夫人在前两次非洲之行中曾访问卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、南非、利比里亚、加纳和尼日利亚。Laura Bush visited Rwanda, Tanzania, Sou th Africa, Liberia, Ghana and Nigeria on two previous African trips.

所以你需要7.5个人去干掉25个撕裂者,我们就算是8个人吧,省得把一个人切成好几份。Sou need 7.5 ppl to kill 25 slashers , we'll make it 8 to be sure so we dont have to cut one marine in pieces.

瞍蒙和徘优是先秦时代的专业文艺工作者,他们对赋的形成做出了贡献。As professional literary and art workers in Pre-Qin dynasties, Sou Meng's and Pai You's contributed to the formation of Fu.

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像王子搜这种爱惜生命,不愿因王位而伤身的人,也正是越人拥戴,想要找的理想国王。Prince Sou who cherished life and preferred conservation of body to throne, was the ideal king who people of Yue supported.

自从那次讲道以后,大家都看见他每逢星期日总拿一个苏①给天主堂大门口的那几个乞讨的老婆婆。After the delivery of that sermon, it was observed that he gave a sou every Sunday to the poor old beggar-women at the door of the cathedral.

不,使我大惑不解的是那些余数,他算帐一直要算清最后一个生叮若要把帐全部付清,我必须得找开一个苏才行。No, it was the odd numbers which intrigued me. He used to figure it out to the last centime. If I was to pay in full I would have had to break a sou.