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狗群四散离去。The dogs scattered and left.

沿途把冬日的道路撒满。Scattered along the winter way.

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这就是散射粒子。This is the scattered particle.

我们称之为散射。This will we call scattered now.

希望已被风吹得七零八碎。My hopes the wind done scattered.

但是他们都是零零散散的。But they are a lot more scattered.

屋子里七零八落地放着一些书。Books were scattered around the room.

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犹太人分散在世界各地。The Jews are scattered over the world.

花瓶碎片撒落在地上。Vase fragments scattered on the ground.

一场考试,七张试卷,散了一个班。An exam, seven papers, scattered a class.

我把草籽撒在整个草坪上。I scattered grass seed all over the lawn.

孩子们四处散开。The children scattered in all directions.

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风卷残云。The wind blows the scattered clouds away.

农夫撒谷子喂鸡。The farmer scattered corn for the chicken.

村中红火蚁蚁巢散存。The nest of RIFA scattered in the village.

山坡上零零落落长着些树。There are scattered trees on the hillside.

那座坟墓上散放着几朵红玫瑰。A few red roses were scattered on the tomb.

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空瓶子乱扔的到处都是。Empty bottles scattered all over the place.

那农民撤谷子喂鸡。The farmer scattered corn for the chickens.

24哈克开始东一件西一件地拾自己的衣服。Huck began to pick up his scattered clothes.