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大一学生的心理健康状况有下降的趋势。And their level of mental health take on degressive tendence.

但是安乐死的潮流不太可能逆转了。However, the tendence of euthanasia is unlikely to turn back.

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趋势生活型态商展指出你的目标受众群所想要的一切。Tendence Lifestyle showcases everything that your target groups might want.

结果梅毒和艾滋病均有逐年上升的趋势。ResultThe numbers of Syphilis and AIDS showed a tendence of increasing year after year.

并简要讨论了超高拉伸UHMPE的研究动向及应用前景。The research tendence and prospects on ultradrawn UHMPE in the future are simply discussed.

少子化既已成为全球化的趋势,国内教育必须面对供给过剩的事实。The lack of children trends a tendence globally, so schools must face the fact of over providing.

从世界范围看,以宪法和法律的形式规定政党制度,是历史发展的趋势。It is a historic tendence to regulate the party system after the form of the constitution and law.

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本文首先介绍了电力需求侧管理的相关技术和发展趋势。The pertinent technology and tendence of power demand side management are introduced in this paper.

世界篮球运动在全方位地提高快的意识,通过简练、实用的战术,在快速运动中制造对手的防守漏洞。It is the world basketball development tendence that all the team enhance sense of fast, use new techniques and tactics.

建筑材料向着新的功能材料、仿生材料和新概念材料方向发展。The developing tendence of building mate-rials is toward new function materials, bionics material and new concept materials.

五种温度的世代存活率、发育速率及孵出的若虫总数均呈抛物线趋势。The rate of generation survival and generation growth, and hatching nymphs in total mumber revealed in the tendence of a parabola.

当时,“赶超”思潮成为一股不可忽视的势头,逐渐由理性走向非理性,进而偏离常规的轨道。The ideological trend of "catching-up and overtaking " became then a tendence not to be trifled with, going astray from rationality to irrationality.

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技术转移已成为我们经济社会生活中的重要内容,有关技术转移的理论认识关系到新经济思维模式的定位与走向。Transfer technology has become a important part in economy society now. The theory on it is effecting the place & tendence of thought model on new economy.

发展的新趋势为,将国家高技术目标需求与科学前沿相结合,将认识与实践相结合。The new development tendence of ultra-light porous metal is that national high-tech demand and science frontier is combined as well as recognition and practice.

建议采取“以法护淮,污染联控,强化监管”等措施,以达到降低污染之目的。In order to decrease pollution, pieces of advice such as "protect Huaihe River By law , controling pollution united, enhancing super in tendence and managment"was suggested.

结论睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者存在合并抑郁症或焦虑症的趋势,对此应采取适当的护理。Conclusion The patients with sleep apnea syndrome have higher tendence of being with anxiety or depression than non-SAS people. And advisable nursing intervention shall be taken.

要以客观理性的态度对待古代女训,继承其合理成份,批判其不良因素,反对绝对化和极端化的倾向。One should treat it with the objective and rational attitude, inherit its rational composition, criticize its bad factors, and object to the tendence of being absolute and extremely.