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罗马竞技场是卡斯特桥的代表物。The Roman Amphitheater is the symbol of Casterbridge.

图上所示就是庞贝城几座较大的剧场之一。This large amphitheater is one of several in Pompeii.

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那儿有一个圆形剧场和一个可以坐的美丽小山。There is an amphitheater there and a nice hill to sit on.

竞技场内的观众为格斗者欢呼鼓劲。The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators.

它被认为是世界上最古老的圆形竞技场。This is considered to be the world's oldest known amphitheater.

他们把公园毁了,在那上面盖了个大剧场。They’re destroying a park to turn it over to a concrete amphitheater.

露天剧场的悬梁明显地指定为一个受保护的入口。The cantilever of the amphitheater clearly designates a protected entry.

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穆尔岛直径155码,顶部有一个游戏场和一个露天剧场。It is 155 feet in diameter, topped with a playground and an amphitheater.

一把微微弯曲的石椅,像一个小小的倾斜看台,正对着纪念碑。There is a curved stone bench, like a tiny amphitheater facing the memorial.

在罗马人的所有建筑中,最为著名的当数罗马圆形剧场。In Rome of all buildings, when the number of the most famous Roman amphitheater.

1972年6月的一天,芝加哥圆形剧场挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们。It was mid-June, 1972, the Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking.

这里可以成为一个休闲度假休憩的场所,也可以作为露天剧场举办一些城市活动。It can be a place for leisure sitting and also as amphitheater during some city fairs.

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此外,在桥梁本身的露天剧场能够播放电影和进行表演。Moreover, the bridge itself can accommodate film and performances in its amphitheater.

7月24日,我们开车去了斯坦福大学,到那里的圆形露天剧场去听琼.贝兹的现场演唱。On July 24, we drove down to Stanford to hear Joan Baez sing in the open amphitheater.

他的头脑,他的头脑是一个圆形剧场,场上的演员一人扮演好几个角色。There is his mind. It is an amphitheater in which the actor gives a protean performance.

长凳的出现赋予了这个用途广泛的小广场又一新的功能-露天小剧场。The small square is a multipurpose space, with benches that may also serve as an amphitheater.

这是阿提库斯圆形剧场,建于西元两世纪中期。This is the amphitheater of Herodes. It was made in the middle of the 2nd Century, after Christ.

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其结构既可以作为露天剧场的正规座位使用,也可以用于休闲娱乐。The structures can accommodate formal amphitheater seating as well as casual and unstructured play.

以享受一场全明星剧场的音乐会来结束你的野外探险和瓦尔多斯塔的访问吧。End your visit to Wild Adventures and to Valdosta by enjoying a concert at the All-Star Amphitheater.

就是罗马的椭圆型露天竞技场了,基本上是综合功能的体育场。That must be the oval unroofed amphitheater in Rome. It was basically a stadium with comprehensive functions.