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他们决不会在一边看热闹。In no case will they look on passively.

被动地增加狙击手的步枪的射程。Passively enhances the range of Kardel s rifle.

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被动增加毁灭者225点的基础魔法值。Passively increases the Destroyers base mana pool by 225 points.

它是个人被动接受的“It is a product that is passively assimilated by the individual."

跗中关节和距下关节运动也可被动检查。Mid-tarsal and subtalar movements can also be assessed passively.

结论法莫替丁在肠道的吸收为被动扩散。Conclusion Famotidine is passively absorbed by transferring the intestine.

她以一种希伯来式的断音责骂着这位年轻人,而对方只能被动的瞪着她。She chews him out in a staccato of Hebrew, while he stares passively at her.

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她只好顺从他,坐在他为她堆起来的一堆树叶中间,微微地颤抖着。She passively sat down amid the leaves he had heaped, and shivered slightly.

被动调Q激光器的模式优于一般的主动调Q激光器。And the mode of passively Q-Switched lasers is superior to active Q-Switched lasers.

有的投资比较被动,只寄希望于中国的银行能“好自为之”。Some have invested passively , praying that the Chinese banks manage themselves well.

知其然,从某种意义上,是被动阅读百科全书或教科书中的资料。Passively reading the material in an encyclopedia or textbook is learning, in a sense.

从实践学来的要远远多于从书本被动汲取的.And what you learn from experience far outweighs what you learn from passively observing.

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他是非常自我陶醉和过份放肆,同时操纵控制,恶言谩骂。He is extremely narcissistic and passively aggressive and controlling as well as abusive.

虽然他的膝关节必须用矫形器被动的固定和牵拉,但是他感到十分高兴。His knees have to be fixed passively into the extension by orthoses. He is so happy about that.

第一产业因第三、第二产业兴旺而“被动地”消失。The primary industry "passively" disappears when the secondary and tertiary industries prosper.

同样地,当别人以恶毒的批评讽刺你时,你不应该默默的承受。Similarly, when people lash out at you with venomous criticism, you should not accept it passively.

因此,本文不仅对无刷直流电机主动运动时建立了模型,也对被动运行的无刷直流电机进行了建模。Because BLDCM works passively in SPTSS, both active model and passive model are built in this paper.

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拥有资源和被动的等待或者获取资源之间的差别非常的戏剧化The difference between being resourceful and passively waiting for or seeking resources is dramatic.

昴宿星人更被动的吸收了影响,更加应用于内在,为了自我进化。The Pleiadians absorbed the influence more passively and used it more internally for self-evolvement.

如果你被动地按照老师的指导去做,或者你自己被迫去做,你将不会记住这些步骤。If you are passively following along, you won't remember it as well as if you're forced to do it yourself.