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许多这样的画面都持久地印在我的记忆里。Many such pictures are indelibly printed on my memory.

那天的记忆永不磨灭地印在我的脑海里。The memory of that day was indelibly printed on my brain.

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漂泊的权利难以磨灭地写入了民主之中。The right to errancy is indelibly written into democracy.

构想一个你成功的精神画面并把它不可磨灭地印在你的脑海中。Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding.

周总理的光辉形象永远铭刻在人民的心中。The shining image of Premier Zhou Enlai is indelibly engraved on the memory of the people.

这次聚会上出现的一件小事一直印在我心底,难以擦去。One little incident which occurred at this gathering remains indelibly impressed on my mind.

除非它不可磨灭地存在于您的购物清单上,否则就控制您的冲动,赶紧去买下一件物品。If it wasn’t indelibly marked on your grocery list, control your instincts and move on quickly.

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罗中立的名字是与“乡土组画”一并镌刻在中国当代艺术史上的。The name Luo Zhongli is already indelibly inscribed in the annals of Chinese contemporary art history.

是的,孩子们从小到大多多少少会面临矛盾和社会孤立,但现在这些影响可能会伴随着公开化并久久无法消除。Children have always dealt with feuds and social isolation, but now those can happen publicly and indelibly.

尤其是对欧洲人和美国人而言,卡扎菲将会因血腥和暴力而被钉在历史的耻辱柱上。To Europeans and Americans in particular, Gaddafi's legacy will be indelibly marked by bloodshed and violence.

作为企业同盟的董事长,阿金特被自己的财富和私利永久腐化了。As the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance, Argente became indelibly tainted by his wealth and private interests.

你可能更清楚“prunes”这个名字,自然联想到护养院及浴室习惯。You may know these better by the moniker "prunes" which are indelibly linked with nursing homes and bathroom habits.

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总统当选人巴拉克·奥巴马并不会忠诚于打着布什政府烙印的登月计划。And President-elect Barack Obama may not feel much loyalty to a lunar program that so indelibly bears the Bush stamp.

但同时,劳动的艰辛不仅将道道沟痕留在田野,也将道道皱纹留在农民的眉间。But all that toil has left its mark of furrows and cross-paths, not only on the field, but also indelibly on his brow.

也有些人认定一种风格后,就将该风格作为他们牛活小恒定不变的一部分,不管这种风格是流行还是落伍。Some people adopt a style that becomes indelibly associated with them and wear it regardless of whether it is currently fashionable.

另外就是六十年代,迪伦的作品和那个时代紧密相连,某种程度上是因为他的杰作多出自64,65,66这三年。Then there's the '60s. Dylan's work is indelibly linked to that time in part because so much of his greatest work came out of '64 '65 '66.

只要产生突变后就会烙印在基因组了无法擦掉,也就是说带原者会遗传给下一代。Mutant forms of the genes are indelibly scripted in the human genome, which means carriers will invariably pass the gene to a new generation.

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对于很多军官来说,海军的核心标志毫无疑问地与航空母舰和它们实施的军力部署相联系。“For many officers the navy’s core institutional identity is indelibly tied to carriers and the power-projection mission they perform,” he says.

如果说有一些气味是闻过一次之后就能在嗅觉神经上打下清晰深刻难以磨灭的印记的话,广藿香毫无疑问是其中的一员。If there are smells that have an aura of particular time and place indelibly ingrained in their olfactory image, patchouli is certainly one of them.

他不会抛弃这些唯一的合法的政治手段,因为这些政治手段总是与他决心要消灭的罪恶势力有着千丝万缕的关系。He will not throw away the only political instruments within his power because they are indelibly marked with traces of the evil he wishes to remove.