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这句话就成了拿破仑爱护学者的一句明言。This word became Napoleon loved scholars a witticism.

我觉得我要和艾米。法拉赫。福勒分享一下,她就喜欢这种俏皮话。I think I shall share that with Amy Farrah Fowler. She'll appreciate the witticism.

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中国是诗歌的王国,而秀句则更是诗苑中的奇葩。China is the kingdom of poetry, but the witticism is the beautiful flowers in poem park.

老爷子高兴地点了点头,承认了这个巧话并且承认了这个事实。The Don nodded his head pleasantly, acknowledging the flattering witticism and its truth.

基辛格对欧洲没有电话号码的老笑话现在看来显得比以往更有意义。Henry Kissinger’s old witticism about Europe’s having no phone number is more relevant than ever.

“昆德拉式的幽默”除了揶揄、谐趣之外,更多的则是基于“诗性沉思”的自嘲和反讽。Kundera's humor mainly contains laughing-at-himself and irony from poetic meditation besides jeer and witticism.

那就是为什麽,这这机智警语非常具有启示性,而且具有我所谓「无意识的形成」的影响的特色。That is why the witticism is most revelatory and most characteristic of the effects of what I called "the formations of the unconscious".

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唐宋以后,中国古典诗学在范古问题上形成了“诗法”与“妙悟”两条路线的对立与纠结。Ever since Tang and Song dynasties, Chinese classical poetry has confronted with contradiction and entanglement of witticism and poetry rhyme.

唐诗鼎盛有诸多因素,对于六朝秀句文化的承绪与光大,亦为要因之一。One of the various reasons for the prosperity of poetry in the Tang Dynasty was succeeding and carrying forward the witticism culture of the former dynasties.

和一个书呆子约会是严肃的事情,只有一个藏书家才能听懂晦涩的简奥斯丁引语或与奥斯卡·王尔德的俏皮话并驾齐驱。Dating a book nerd is serious business, and only a fellow bibliophile can keep pace with the obscure Jane Austen references or the conversation sprinkled with the witticism of Oscar Wilde.

俏皮话被人们广泛使用,除其自身特点外,主要与人们追求轻松愉悦环境的心理、模仿心理、求新求异心理等社会心理有关。The witticism is widely used by the people, not only due to its own feature, but also to meet people' s social psychologies such as pursuing pleasure, imitating, and running after the novelty.