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他是个诙谐的人,特别当著女人的面时。He is a jocular man, especially around women.

海尔赛打趣地用两个手指戳了维克多·亨利一下。Halsey gave Victor Henry jocular prod with two fingers.

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歇后语是熟语的一种,是广泛流行的、诙谐而形象的语句。Chinese Two-Part Allegorical Saying is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence.

很明显地,出于一种滑稽的天性,他感觉被某种力量驱使着,去拍打自己的大腿,把拳头塞进嘴里。It was apparently of a jocular nature, for he felt impelled to slap his leg and cram his fist into his mouth.

这件事使我在这社会上收到效果,他们非常地尊敬我,而我又是个绝妙的讽刺家。This, and my being esteemed a pretty good riggite, that is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society.

这些笑话见证了经历了恐怖和歇斯底里之后,至少一颗伟大的保持着冷静和诙谐。They were evidence that in the aftermath of terror and in the midst of hysteria, one great heart at least remained sane and jocular.

前俱乐部主席黄福鹏师兄开口就滔滔不绝,不仅向大家展示了一代主席稳重的一面,同时也将自己的诙谐幽默表露无遗。Mr Fu, former club president, told like a running river, not only to show the laid a generation but also to display his jocular humor.

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在一次这样丰盛的晚餐上,他不断地往我的盘子里送鸡肉、汤圆和土豆,逗着我吃,我顺从地吃了,一直吃到想吐。At one of those great dinners he plied me with renewals of chicken, dumpling, potato, all in a jocular spirit, and I obediently ate myself sick.

格兰德太太把这件事告诉了格兰德上尉,这个没羞没臊的龙骑兵军官却吹着口哨,在吃饭时拿它当谈笑的资料。Glanders , the atrocious Captain of Dragoons, when informed of the occurrence by Mrs. Glanders , whistled and made jocular allusions to it at dinner time.

离奇的情节、诙谐的语言,从不同侧面反映了当代法国人的日常生活,具有很强的讽刺性。The bizarre convolutions of the plots, and jocular talks, reflect contemporary daily life of French people from different aspects, has a strong satirical.

如果您无暇玩耍,也可在聚餐时、休憩时、直播欣赏到这一幽默诙谐的娱乐赛事。If you have no time for play, you can also appreciate humorous and jocular entertainment events at dining time together or have a rest through live broadcast.

我和乔·韦勒已经不再虚构和实施冒险故事,而代之以制造场合性的笑料来消遣时光。With the lapsing of our old activity of inventing and enacting adventures, Joe Weller and I diverted our wild imaginings on several occasions to a jocular vein.

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这些笑话见证了经历了恐怖和歇斯底里之后,至少一颗伟大的保持着冷静和诙谐。They were evidence that in the aftermath of terror and in the midst of hysteria, one great heart at least remained sane and jocular. They were truly grace under pressure.

尽管剧中大量对话和情节表面上显得荒诞无稽,但却以轻松、戏谑的笔调暴露和讽刺了英国上流社会人士的种种弱点及现代英国社会的种种弊端。But, despite its seeming absurdity and nonsensicality, it brings to light the moral weaknesses of the English upper class and other problems in modern English society in a jocular manner.

“杂四夷及兵赋”包括用诙谐嘲谑的笔触所写的反映民族斗争、民族融合、民族文化的韵诵体作品。Za fu of "surrounding tribes and ware" are written in a jocular and mocking note, and they are works in a chanting style about the national struggles, national fusions and national cultures.

在谈到本赛季冠军头衔的归属时,尤文门神显得不那么严肃,因为当他表示国米会成为联赛和欧冠双冠王时,忍不住哈哈大笑。The notoriously jocular goalkeeper was less serious when asked about his predictions for this season, as he burst out laughing when declaring the Scudetto and Champions League would be won by Inter.

“幽默钢琴创作”时期是萨蒂钢琴创作生涯的顶峰阶段,诙谐的口吻、“视”与“听”相结合的形式是此时的主要创作特点。The period of "humorous piano composition"is the tiptop in the whole career of Satie's piano music, whose primary characteristics are the jocular taste and the modality mixed "seeing" with "hearing".