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脊索但无真正的脊柱鱼类动物。The vertebrate spine or spinal column.

脊髓呼吸作为独立功法?Spinal Breathing as a Stand-Alone Practice?

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单用火全治脊椎痛及足跟痛。Only Huoquan treat spinal pain and heel pain.

FSU还有脊柱运动单位等其他术语。Another term for the FSU is spinal motion segment.

大多数肌肉损伤和脊椎的问题都来自用力过度。Most muscle and spinal injuries are from overstrain.

行脊麻与硬膜外联合阻滞麻醉。Spinal and extradural combined anesthesia were used.

脊髓手术后卡巴贲丁的镇痛作用。Analgesic Effects of Gabapentin after Spinal Surgery.

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脊髓不产生节律性呼吸。The spinal cord does not have the rhythmicity breath.

我必须为乔的那个18英寸的脊髓提供安全保护。I must provide security for Joe's 18-inch spinal cord.

结果是这两种感觉都根植在脊髓深处。Rather, both sensations were rooted in the spinal cord.

有些脊柱感染由身体的其它部位波散而来。Some spinal infections start in other areas of your body.

这是更严重的人,脊髓损伤上述扩建。It is more severe in people with spinal cord injury above T6.

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目的探讨脊髓畸胎瘤的影像诊断。Objective To study the imaging characters of spinal teratomas.

脊椎骨是腰背骨或脊柱骨之ㄧ种骨头。Vertebra is one of the bones of the backbone or spinal column.

刚度测量中模拟脊椎物理治疗。Measurement of stiffness during simulated spinal physiotherapy.

文中还就大鲵脊髓在进化历程中的位置作了讨论。The evolutionary position of the spinal cord is also discussed.

DNT可被包裹在脊髓周边而起到止血作用。DNT can be wrapped around the spinal cord to achieve hemostasis.

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这一病理变化以上方相邻节段多见。The changes usually occurred at the upper segment of spinal fusion.

强健后腰肌群,放松脊椎。Strengthens the lower back muscles and loosens the spinal vertebrae.

运动场上的冲撞导致的脊髓震荡。A concussion of the spinal cord as a result of an on-field collision.