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我说了什么啦,耐莉?What did I say, Nelly?

纳莉,我就是希克厉!Nelly , I am Heathcliff !

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耐莉是我们暗藏的敌人。Nelly is my hidden enemy.

你愿意这样做吗,我的好耐莉?Will you do so, my good Nelly?

耐莉,你跟我一道走。You shall walk with me, Nelly.

他打死过我的田凫没有,耐莉?Did he shoot my lapwings, Nelly?

埃伦·凯利,凯利·埃伦,凯伦·埃利。Ellen Kelly, Kelly Ellen, Kellen Nelly.

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咱们去买奈莉的演唱会门票吧。Let's get tickets for the Nelly concert.

她已给Nelly厨师写了感谢信。She has written to Chef Nelly to thank her.

让小丽丽和小奈利安静的写吧。Let's leave little Nelly and little Lily alone.

小丽丽和小奈利在写信。Little Lily and little Nelly are writing letters.

你要是和耐莉吵架,我可不管,她尽可以把你丢到煤洞里去,我才不管呢。I'll interfere in no quarrels between you and Nelly.

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看到你们离我家这么近是一种安慰哩,耐莉。It is something to see you so near"to my house, Nelly.

她叫妮莉,从我3岁起就陪着我,她有一家人。Her name is Nelly. I've had her since I was 3. She has a whole family.

奈莉·幽奇,感觉如何?我的斜方肌貌似承载了太多悲伤。How you doing, Nelly Yuki?My upper trapezius seems to hold a lot of sadness.

“丁耐莉,”他说,“我不能不猜想这场病一定另有原因,田庄上出了什么事啦?Nelly Dean, ' said he, 'I can't help fancying there's an extra cause for this.

做得不错阿,内丽。以这种速度,你很快就会在第二次婚姻前,结束试用期了。Not bad, Nelly. At this rate, You'll be off probation Before your second marriage.

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法国南部的一处农村中,旅馆主人保罗与美丽的娜莉成婚。In a countryside in the south of France, Paul, an hotel keeper, marries the beautiful Nelly.

人们说彭斯的第一位恋人内莉·柯克帕特里克鼓励他开始写作诗歌。People say that Burns's first love, Nelly Kirkpatrick, encouraged him to start writing poetry.

在小说第九章,凯瑟琳央求耐莉听她讲述自己的梦境。In Chapter IX of the novel, Catherine implored Nelly to listen to her presentation of her dreamland.